Adel Bolbol Fernández
Cited by
Cited by
Inferring hybrid transportation modes from sparse GPS data using a moving window SVM classification
A Bolbol, T Cheng, I Tsapakis, J Haworth
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 36 (6), 526-537, 2012
Impact of weather conditions on macroscopic urban travel times
I Tsapakis, T Cheng, A Bolbol
Journal of Transport Geography 28, 204-211, 2013
Sample size calculation for studying transportation modes from GPS data
A Bolbol, T Cheng, I Tsapakis, A Chow
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 3040-3050, 2012
Effects of tube strikes on journey times in transport network of London
I Tsapakis, J Turner, T Cheng, BG Heydecker, A Emmonds, A Bolbol
Transportation research record 2274 (1), 84-92, 2012
A spatio-temporal approach for identifying the sample size for transport mode detection from GPS-based travel surveys: A case study of London’s road network
A Bolbol, T Cheng, I Tsapakis
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 43, 176-187, 2014
Discriminant analysis for assigning short-term counts to seasonal adjustment factor groupings
I Tsapakis, WH Schneider IV, A Bolbol, A Skarlatidou
Transportation research record 2256 (1), 112-119, 2011
GeoTravelDiary: Towards online automatic travel behaviour detection
A Bolbol, T Cheng, A Paracha
WebMGS: 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping, Geoprocessing …, 2010
GPS data collection setting for pedestrian activity modelling
A Bolbol, T Cheng
GISRUK 2010: Proceedings of Geographical Information Science Research UK …, 2010
Matching GPS Data to Transport Networks
A Bolbol, T Cheng
GISRUK, 1-11, 2013
Inferring the transportation mode from sparse GPS data
ASZ Bolbol
UCL (University College London), 2014
Investigating non-experts trust perceptions in spatial decision support systems for public use
A Skarlatidou, M Haklay, T Cheng, A Bolbol
Using a moving window SVMs classification to infer travel mode from GPS data
ASZ Bolbol, T Cheng, J Haworth
Inferring the travel mode from sparse GPS data using SVM classification: Case study of Greater London
A Bolbol, T CHeng, I Tsapakis
Effect of adverse weather conditions on urban speeds and travel time reliability of bus lane and non-bus lane users
I Tsapakis, T Cheng, A Bolbol
Identifying intermediary modes from GPS data
A Bolbol, T CHENG, I Tsapakis, A Skarlatidou
On-line travel diary: towards automatic travel behaviour detection
A Bolbol, T CHENG
ISPRS Proceedings, 2010
Sample Size Calculation for Studying Travel Mode from Positional Data
ASZ Bolbol, T Cheng, I Tsapakis, A Chow
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Articles 1–17