Gelu-Marius Rotaru
Gelu-Marius Rotaru
Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive and Robotics
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Relaxing with relaxors: a review of relaxor ferroelectrics
RA Cowley, SN Gvasaliya, SG Lushnikov, B Roessli, GM Rotaru
Advances in Physics 60 (2), 229-327, 2011
Materials used to simulate physical properties of human skin
AK Dąbrowska, GM Rotaru, S Derler, F Spano, M Camenzind, ...
Skin Research and Technology 22 (1), 3-14, 2016
Superelastic multimaterial electronic and photonic fibers and devices via thermal drawing
Y Qu, T Nguyen‐Dang, AG Page, W Yan, T Das Gupta, GM Rotaru, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (27), 1707251, 2018
Stick–slip phenomena in the friction of human skin
S Derler, GM Rotaru
Wear 301 (1-2), 324-329, 2013
Steering surface topographies of electrospun fibers: understanding the mechanisms
G Yazgan, RI Dmitriev, V Tyagi, J Jenkins, GM Rotaru, M Rottmar, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 158, 2017
Spin-glass state and long-range magnetic order in seen via neutron scattering and muon spin rotation
GM Rotaru, B Roessli, A Amato, SN Gvasaliya, C Mudry, SG Lushnikov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (18), 184430, 2009
In vivo confirmation of hydration-induced changes in human-skin thickness, roughness and interaction with the environment
AK Dąbrowska, C Adlhart, F Spano, GM Rotaru, S Derler, L Zhai, ...
Biointerphases 11 (3), 2016
Understanding the variation of friction coefficients of human skin as a function of skin hydration and interfacial water films
S Derler, RM Rossi, GM Rotaru
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2015
Friction between human skin and medical textiles for decubitus prevention
GM Rotaru, D Pille, FK Lehmeier, R Stämpfli, A Scheel-Sailer, RM Rossi, ...
Tribology International 65, 91-96, 2013
A water-responsive, gelatine-based human skin model
A Dąbrowska, GM Rotaru, F Spano, C Affolter, G Fortunato, S Lehmann, ...
Tribology International 113, 316-322, 2017
Microscopic contact area and friction between medical textiles and skin
S Derler, GM Rotaru, W Ke, L El Issawi-Frischknecht, P Kellenberger, ...
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 38, 114-125, 2014
Influence of variations in the pressure distribution on the friction of the finger pad
S Derler, J Süess, A Rao, GM Rotaru
Tribology International 63, 14-20, 2013
Friction mechanisms and abrasion of the human finger pad in contact with rough surfaces
S Derler, M Preiswerk, GM Rotaru, JP Kaiser, RM Rossi
Tribology International 89, 119-127, 2015
Diffuse scattering from the lead-based relaxor ferroelectric PbMg1/3Ta2/3O3
A Cervellino, SN Gvasaliya, O Zaharko, B Roessli, GM Rotaru, RA Cowley, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 44 (3), 603-609, 2011
Microstructural study of equiatomic PtTi martensite and the discovery of a new long-period structure
GM Rotaru, W Tirry, P Sittner, J Van Humbeeck, D Schryvers
Acta materialia 55 (13), 4447-4454, 2007
In vivo measurement of the friction between human skin and different medical compression stockings
W Ke, GM Rotaru, JY Hu, RM Rossi, X Ding, S Derler
Tribology Letters 60, 1-9, 2015
Evolution of the neutron quasielastic scattering through the ferroelectric phase transition in 93% PbZn1∕ 3Nb2∕ 3O3–7% PbTiO3
GM Rotaru, SN Gvasaliya, B Roessli, S Kojima, SG Lushnikov, P Günter
Applied physics letters 93 (3), 2008
Atomic displacements in PbMg {sub 1/3} Nb {sub 2/3} O {sub 3} under high pressures
GM Rotaru, SN Gvasaliya, V Pomjakushin, B Roessli, T Straessle, ...
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 20, 2008
Influence of intermolecular interactions and size effect on LITH-FORC diagram in 1D spin crossover compounds
A Rotaru, A Graur, GM Rotaru, J Linares, Y Garcia
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 14 (5), 529, 2012
Relationship between the friction and microscopic contact behavior of a medical compression stocking at different strains
W Ke, GM Rotaru, JY Hu, X Ding, RM Rossi, S Derler
Tribology Letters 56, 457-470, 2014
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Articles 1–20