Ioana A. Cionea
Cited by
Cited by
Taking conflict personally and its connections with aggressiveness
D Hample, IA Cionea
Arguments, aggression, and conflict: New directions in theory and research …, 2010
Serial arguments in inter-ethnic relationships
D Hample, IA Cionea
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36 (3), 430-445, 2012
Talking turkey: Effects of family discussions about the 2016 election over the Thanksgiving holiday
AJ Johnson, EN Bostwick, IA Cionea
Journal of Family Communication, 2018
A profile of arguing behaviors on Facebook
IA Cionea, CW Piercy, CJ Carpenter
Computers in Human Behavior 76, 439-449, 2017
"Do it this way, not that way:” An exploration of Chinese workplace conflicts
Y Guo, IA Cionea
International Journal of Conflict Management 28 (2), 2017
What makes some intercultural negotiations more difficult than others? Power distance and culture-role combinations
M Liu, L Zhu, IA Cionea
Communication Research, 2016
A cross-cultural comparison of expectations in romantic relationships: India and the United States
IA Cionea, BJ Van Gilder, CS Hoelscher, D Anagondahalli
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 12 (4), 289-307, 2019
A test of the argument engagement model in Romania
IA Cionea, D Hample, F Paglieri
Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation, 2011
Exploring the associations between debate participation, communication competence, communication apprehension, and argumentativeness with a global sample
WT Howe, IA Cionea
Argumentation and Advocacy 57 (2), 103-122, 2021
Understanding argumentation in interpersonal communication: The implications of distinguishing between public and personal topics
AJ Johnson, D Hample, IA Cionea
Communication Yearbook 38, 144-173, 2014
“Oh, I like your accent”: Perceptions and evaluations of standard and non-standard accented English speakers
DE Acheme, IA Cionea
Communication Reports, 1-14, 2022
Serial argument goals, tactics, and outcomes in long-distance and geographically close romantic relationships
IA Cionea, SV Wilson Mumpower, MA Bassick
Southern Communication Journal, 1-16, 2018
An English scale for measuring mobile phone appropriation: Translation and assessment
SK Lee, V Karnowski, T von Pape, IA Cionea
Studies in Communication| Media 5 (4), 397-426, 2016
Serial argument topics
IA Cionea, D Hample
Argumentation & Advocacy 52 (1), 75-88, 2015
Dialogue and interpersonal communication: How informal logic can enhance our understanding of the dynamics of close relationships
IA Cionea
Cogency: Journal of Reasoning and Argumentation 3 (1), 93-105, 2011
Taking conflict personally and the use of the demand/withdraw pattern in intraethnic serial arguments
IA Cionea, AJ Johnson, JS Bruscella, B Van Gilder
Argumentation & Advocacy 52 (1), 32-43, 2015
Protest structures: Responses from Nigerians in the United States to police brutality and# BlackLivesMatter Protests
DE Acheme, IA Cionea
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 41 (1), 29-48, 2022
The benefits and challenges of new media for intercultural conflict
AJ Johnson, SK Lee, IA Cionea, ZB Massey
Reconceptualizing New Media and Intercultural Communication in a Networked …, 2018
Arguing goals: An initial assessment of a new measurement instrument
IA Cionea, CS Hoelscher, IA Ileş
Communication Reports 30, 51-65, 2017
In-laws, communication, and other frustrations: The challenges of intercultural marriages
A Machette, I Cionea
Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships, 2022
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Articles 1–20