Creep and flow regimes of magnetic domain-wall motion in ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt films with perpendicular anisotropy PJ Metaxas, JP Jamet, A Mougin, M Cormier, J Ferré, V Baltz, B Rodmacq, ... Physical review letters 99 (21), 217208, 2007 | 775 | 2007 |
Domain wall mobility, stability and Walker breakdown in magnetic nanowires A Mougin, M Cormier, JP Adam, PJ Metaxas, J Ferré Europhysics Letters 78 (5), 57007, 2007 | 435 | 2007 |
Gas hydrate formation probability distributions: Induction times, rates of nucleation and growth PJ Metaxas, VWS Lim, C Booth, J Zhen, PL Stanwix, ML Johns, ZM Aman, ... Fuel 252, 448-457, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Universal magnetic domain wall dynamics in the presence of weak disorder J Ferré, PJ Metaxas, A Mougin, JP Jamet, J Gorchon, V Jeudy Comptes Rendus Physique 14 (8), 651-666, 2013 | 79 | 2013 |
Gas hydrate formation probability and growth rate as a function of kinetic hydrate inhibitor (KHI) concentration VWS Lim, PJ Metaxas, PL Stanwix, ML Johns, G Haandrikman, D Crosby, ... Chemical Engineering Journal 388, 124177, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Simulation and experimental measurements of internal magnetic field gradients and NMR transverse relaxation times (T2) in sandstone rocks PRJ Connolly, W Yan, D Zhang, M Mahmoud, M Verrall, M Lebedev, ... Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 175, 985-997, 2019 | 64 | 2019 |
Gas Hydrate Formation Probability Distributions: The Effect of Shear and Comparisons with Nucleation Theory EF May, VW Lim, PJ Metaxas, J Du, PL Stanwix, D Rowland, ML Johns, ... Langmuir 34 (10), 3186-3196, 2018 | 64 | 2018 |
The delay of gas hydrate formation by kinetic inhibitors VWS Lim, PJ Metaxas, ML Johns, G Haandrikman, D Crosby, ZM Aman, ... Chemical Engineering Journal, 128478, 2021 | 63 | 2021 |
Sensing magnetic nanoparticles using nano-confined ferromagnetic resonances in a magnonic crystal P Metaxas, M Sushruth, R Begley, J Ding, R Woodward, I Maksymov, ... Applied Physics Letters 106 (23), 232406, 2015 | 63 | 2015 |
High domain wall velocities via spin transfer torque using vertical current injection PJ Metaxas, J Sampaio, A Chanthbouala, R Matsumoto, A Anane, A Fert, ... Scientific reports 3, 1829, 2013 | 58 | 2013 |
Nanopatterning‐Enhanced Sensitivity and Response Time of Dynamic Palladium/Cobalt/Palladium Hydrogen Gas Sensors C Lueng, P Lupo, PJ Metaxas, M Kostylev, AO Adeyeye Advanced Materials Technologies 1 (5), 1600097, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Dynamic binding of driven interfaces in coupled ultrathin ferromagnetic layers PJ Metaxas, RL Stamps, JP Jamet, J Ferré, V Baltz, B Rodmacq, P Politi Physical review letters 104 (23), 237206, 2010 | 45 | 2010 |
Periodic magnetic domain wall pinning in an ultrathin film with perpendicular anisotropy generated by the stray magnetic field of a ferromagnetic nanodot array PJ Metaxas, PJ Zermatten, JP Jamet, J Ferré, G Gaudin, B Rodmacq, ... Applied Physics Letters 94 (13), 132504-132504-3, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Magnetic domain wall creep in the presence of an effective interlayer coupling field PJ Metaxas, JP Jamet, J Ferré, B Rodmacq, B Dieny, RL Stamps Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (21), 2571-2575, 2008 | 37 | 2008 |
Adjustable sensitivity for hydrogen gas sensing using perpendicular-to-plane ferromagnetic resonance in Pd/Co Bi-layer films C Lueng, PJ Metaxas, M Sushruth, M Kostylev International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (5), 3407-3414, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Hydrate nucleation and growth on water droplets acoustically-levitated in high-pressure natural gas K Jeong, PJ Metaxas, J Chan, TO Kuteyi, ZM Aman, PL Stanwix, ... Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (39), 21685-21688, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Cyclodextrins as eco-friendly nucleation promoters for methane hydrate F Asadi, PJ Metaxas, VWS Lim, TAH Nguyen, ZM Aman, EF May, ... Chemical Engineering Journal 417, 127932, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
The impact of mono-ethylene glycol and kinetic inhibitors on methane hydrate formation VWS Lim, PJ Metaxas, ML Johns, ZM Aman, EF May Chemical Engineering Journal 427, 131531, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
Resonance-Based Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Microbeads Using Nanopatterned Ferromagnets M Sushruth, J Ding, J Duczynski, RC Woodward, RA Begley, H Fangohr, ... Physical Review Applied 6, 044005, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Sensitivity of ferromagnetic resonance in PdCo alloyed films to hydrogen gas C Lueng, P Lupo, T Schefer, PJ Metaxas, AO Adeyeye, M Kostylev International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |