Jacob Bikker
Jacob Bikker
Hoogleraar Banking and Financial Regulation
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Competition, concentration and their relationship: An empirical analysis of the banking industry
JA Bikker, K Haaf
Journal of banking & finance 26 (11), 2191-2214, 2002
Cyclical patterns in profits, provisioning and lending of banks and procyclicality of the new Basel capital requirements
JA Bikker, H Hu
PSL Quarterly Review 55 (221), 2002
Bank provisioning behaviour and procyclicality
JA Bikker, PAJ Metzemakers
Journal of international financial markets, institutions and money 15 (2 …, 2005
Measures of competition and concentration in the banking industry: a review of the literature
JA Bikker, K Haaf
Economic & Financial Modelling 9 (2), 53-98, 2002
Assessing competition with the Panzar-Rosse model: The role of scale, costs, and equilibrium
JA Bikker, S Shaffer, L Spierdijk
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (4), 1025-1044, 2012
Competition and concentration in the EU banking industry
JA Bikker, JM Groeneveld
Credit and Capital Markets–Kredit und Kapital, 62-98, 2000
Impact of bank competition on the interest rate pass-through in the euro area
M Van Leuvensteijn, CK Sørensen, JA Bikker, AA Van Rixtel
Applied Economics 45 (11), 1359-1380, 2013
Bank Performance: A theoretical and empirical framework for the analysis of profitability, competition and efficiency
J Bikker, JWB Bos
Routledge, 2008
Competition and efficiency in a unified European banking market
JA Bikker
Competition and Efficiency in a Unified European Banking Market, 2004
Bank profitability and risk‐taking under low interest rates
JA Bikker, TM Vervliet
International Journal of Finance & Economics 23 (1), 3-18, 2018
A new approach to measuring competition in the loan markets of the euro area
M Van Leuvensteijn, JA Bikker, AA Van Rixtel, CK Sørensen
Applied economics 43 (23), 3155-3167, 2011
Misspecification of the Panzar-Rosse Model: Assessing competition in the banking industry
JA Bikker, L Spierdijk, P Finnie
Режим доступу: http://notices-pdf. com/panzar-pdf. html, 2006
An international trade flow model with substitution: an extension of the gravity model
JA Bikker
Kyklos 40 (3), 315-337, 1987
Operating costs of pension funds: the impact of scale, governance, and plan design
JA Bikker, J De Dreu
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 8 (1), 63-89, 2009
How banking competition changed over time
JA Bikker, L Spierdijk
De Nederlandsche Bank DNB Working Paper, 2008
Competition and efficiency in the Dutch life insurance industry
JA Bikker, M Van Leuvensteijn
Applied Economics 40 (16), 2063-2084, 2008
Measuring performance of banks: an assessment
JA Bikker
Journal of applied Business and Economics 11 (4), 141-159, 2010
Trends in competition and profitability in the banking industry: A basic framework
JA Bikker, JWB Bos
SUERF Studies, 2005
Introduction: Engendering macro-economic policy reform in the era of global restructuring and adjustment
I Bakker
The strategic silence: Gender and economic policy, 1-29, 1994
The impact of market structure, contestability and institutional environment on banking competition
JA Bikker, L Spierdijk, P Finnie
Discussions Paper Series, 2007
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Articles 1–20