sanparith marukatat
sanparith marukatat
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Cited by
Automatic lung cancer prediction from chest X-ray images using the deep learning approach
W Ausawalaithong, A Thirach, S Marukatat, T Wilaiprasitporn
2018 11th biomedical engineering international conference (BMEiCON), 1-5, 2018
Accurate activity recognition using a mobile phone regardless of device orientation and location
A Henpraserttae, S Thiemjarus, S Marukatat
2011 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, 41-46, 2011
Online handwritten shape recognition using segmental hidden markov models
T Artieres, S Marukatat, P Gallinari
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29 (2), 205-217, 2007
Tutorial on PCA and approximate PCA and approximate kernel PCA
S Marukatat
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (6), 5445-5477, 2023
Two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis of principle component vectors for face recognition
P Sanguansat, W Asdornwised, S Jitapunkul, S Marukatat
IEICE transactions on information and systems 89 (7), 2164-2170, 2006
Sentence recognition through hybrid neuro-markovian modeling
S Marukatat, T Artieres, R Gallinari, B Dorizzi
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 2001
A study on instance-based learning with reduced training prototypes for device-context-independent activity recognition on a mobile phone
S Thiemjarus, A Henpraserttae, S Marukatat
2013 IEEE International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, 1-6, 2013
Counterfactual mean embeddings
K Muandet, M Kanagawa, S Saengkyongam, S Marukatat
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (162), 1-71, 2021
Rejection measures for handwriting sentence recognition
S Marukatat, T Artieres, P Gallinari, B Dorizzi
Proceedings Eighth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting …, 2002
A flexible recognition engine for complex on-line handwritten character recognition
S Marukatat, R Sicard, P Gallinari
Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003 …, 2003
Image enhancement using local intensity distribution equalization
S Marukatat
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2015, 1-18, 2015
Multi Q-table Q-learning
N Kantasewi, S Marukatat, S Thainimit, O Manabu
2019 10th International Conference of Information and Communication …, 2019
Lanna Dharma handwritten character recognition on palm leaves manuscript based on Wavelet transform
P Inkeaw, C Chueaphun, J Chaijaruwanich, A Klomsae, S Marukatat
2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2015
The feature combination technique for off-line Thai character recognition system
I Methasate, S Marukatat, S Sae-Tang, T Theeramunkong
Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2005
Handling spatial information in on-line handwriting recognition
S Marukatat, T Artieres
Ninth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 14-19, 2004
Recognition of similar characters using gradient features of discriminative regions
P Inkeaw, J Bootkrajang, S Marukatat, T Gonçalves, J Chaijaruwanich
Expert Systems with Applications 134, 120-137, 2019
Image and audio-speech denoising based on higher-order statistical modeling of wavelet coefficients and local variance estimation
P Kittisuwan, T Chanwimaluang, S Marukatat, W Asdornwised
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information …, 2010
Recognition-based character segmentation for multi-level writing style
P Inkeaw, J Bootkrajang, P Charoenkwan, S Marukatat, SY Ho, ...
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 21, 21-39, 2018
Automatic detection of rice disease in images of various leaf sizes
K Kiratiratanapruk, P Temniranrat, W Sinthupinyo, S Marukatat, ...
IET Image Processing, 2022
Fast nearest neighbor retrieval using randomized binary codes and approximate Euclidean distance
S Marukatat, I Methasate
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (9), 1101-1107, 2013
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Articles 1–20