I. Yucel Akkutlu
Cited by
Cited by
New pore-scale considerations for shale gas in place calculations
RJ Ambrose, RC Hartman, M Diaz Campos, IY Akkutlu, C Sondergeld
SPE Unconventional Gas Conference 23-25 February, Pittsburgh, PA, 2010
Shale gas-in-place calculations part I: new pore-scale considerations
RJ Ambrose, RC Hartman, M Diaz-Campos, IY Akkutlu, CH Sondergeld
SPE Journal 17 (01), 219-229, 2012
Carbon dioxide storage capacity of organic-rich shales
SM Kang, E Fathi, RJ Ambrose, IY Akkutlu, RF Sigal
SPE Journal 16 (04), 842-855, 2011
Multiscale gas transport in shales with local kerogen heterogeneities
IY Akkutlu, E Fathi
SPE Journal 17 (04), 1,002-1,011, 2012
Shale permeability measurements on plugs and crushed samples
A Tinni, E Fathi, R Agarwal, CH Sondergeld, IY Akkutlu, CS Rai
SPE Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, 30 October-1 November …, 2012
The dynamics of in-situ combustion fronts in porous media
IY Akkutlu, YC Yortsos
Combustion and Flame 134 (3), 229-247, 2003
Lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of shale gas transport in kerogen
E Fathi, IY Akkutlu
SPE Journal 18 (01), 27-37, 2012
Permeability of organic-rich shale
A Wasaki, IY Akkutlu
SPE Journal 20 (06), 1384-1396, 2015
Correction to Klinkenberg slip theory for gas flow in nano-capillaries
E Fathi, A Tinni, IY Akkutlu
International Journal of Coal Geology 103, 51-59, 2012
Multi-component gas transport and adsorption effects during CO2 injection and enhanced shale gas recovery
E Fathi, IY Akkutlu
International Journal of Coal Geology 123, 52-61, 2014
Pore-size dependence of fluid phase behavior and properties in organic-rich shale reservoirs
BR Didar, IY Akkutlu
SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, 8-10 April, The Woodlands …, 2013
Unconventional oil and gas resources: exploitation and development
U Ahmed, DN Meehan
CRC Press, 2016
Shales at all scales: exploring coupled processes in mudrocks
AG Ilgen, JE Heath, IY Akkutlu, LT Bryndzia, DR Cole, YK Kharaka, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 166, 132-152, 2017
Matrix heterogeneity effects on gas transport and adsorption in coalbed and shale gas reservoirs
E Fathi, IY Akkutlu
Transport in porous media 80, 281-304, 2009
Multi-component sorbed phase considerations for shale gas-in-place calculations
RJ Ambrose, RC Hartman, IY Akkutlu
SPE Production and Operations Symposium, 27-29 March, Oklahoma City, 2011
Adsorption-enhanced transport of hydrocarbons in organic nanopores
S Riewchotisakul, IY Akkutlu
SPE Journal 21 (06), 1960-1969, 2016
Shale gas-in-place calculations part II-multicomponent gas adsorption effects
RC Hartman, RJ Ambrose, IY Akkutlu, CR Clarkson
North American Unconventional Gas Conference and Exhibition, 14-16 June, The …, 2011
Multi-scale analysis of gas transport mechanisms in kerogen
R Kou, SFK Alafnan, IY Akkutlu
Transport in Porous Media 116 (2), 493-519, 2017
Gas sorption and transport in coals: a poroelastic medium approach
J Yi, IY Akkutlu, CÖ Karacan, CR Clarkson
International Journal of Coal Geology 77 (1), 137-144, 2009
Multiscale model reduction for shale gas transport in a coupled discrete fracture and dual-continuum porous media
IY Akkutlu, Y Efendiev, M Vasilyeva, Y Wang
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 48, 65-76, 2017
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Articles 1–20