Jonathan Wai
Jonathan Wai
Associate Professor and 21st Century Chair, University of Arkansas
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Spatial ability for STEM domains: Aligning over 50 years of cumulative psychological knowledge solidifies its importance.
J Wai, D Lubinski, CP Benbow
Journal of educational Psychology 101 (4), 817, 2009
Accomplishment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and its relation to STEM educational dose: A 25-year longitudinal study.
J Wai, D Lubinski, CP Benbow, JH Steiger
Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (4), 860, 2010
Creativity and occupational accomplishments among intellectually precocious youths: an age 13 to age 33 longitudinal study.
J Wai, D Lubinski, CP Benbow
Journal of Educational Psychology 97 (3), 484, 2005
Sex differences in the right tail of cognitive abilities: A 30 year examination
J Wai, M Cacchio, M Putallaz, MC Makel
Intelligence 38 (4), 412-423, 2010
The bachelor’s to Ph. D. STEM pipeline no longer leaks more women than men: A 30-year analysis
DI Miller, J Wai
Frontiers in psychology 6, 37, 2015
Investigating America's elite: Cognitive ability, education, and sex differences
J Wai
Intelligence 41 (4), 203-211, 2013
A Psychobiosocial Model
DF Halpern, J Wai, A Saw
Gender differences in mathematics, 48, 2005
Experts are born, then made: Combining prospective and retrospective longitudinal data shows that cognitive ability matters
J Wai
Intelligence 45, 74-80, 2014
The world of competitive Scrabble: Novice and expert differences in visuopatial and verbal abilities.
DF Halpern, J Wai
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 13 (2), 79, 2007
Communicating what we know and what isn’t so: Science communication in psychology
NA Lewis Jr, J Wai
Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (6), 1242-1254, 2021
Sex differences in ability tilt in the right tail of cognitive abilities: A 35-year examination
J Wai, J Hodges, MC Makel
Intelligence 67, 76-83, 2018
Spatially gifted, academically inconvenienced: Spatially talented students experience less academic engagement and more behavioural issues than other talented students
JM Lakin, J Wai
British Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (4), 1015-1038, 2020
Can you ever be too smart for your own good? Comparing linear and nonlinear effects of cognitive ability on life outcomes
MI Brown, J Wai, CF Chabris
Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (6), 1337-1359, 2021
Sex differences in the right tail of cognitive abilities: An update and cross cultural extension
MC Makel, J Wai, K Peairs, M Putallaz
Intelligence 59, 8-15, 2016
Using standardized test scores to include general cognitive ability in education research and policy
J Wai, MI Brown, CF Chabris
Journal of Intelligence 6 (3), 37, 2018
Spatial and object visualization cognitive styles: Validation studies in 3800 individuals
CF Chabris, TE Jerde, AW Woolley, ME Gerbasi, JP Schuldt, SL Bennett, ...
Group brain technical report 2, 1-20, 2006
The path and performance of a company leader: A historical examination of the education and cognitive ability of Fortune 500 CEOs
J Wai, H Rindermann
Intelligence 53, 102-107, 2015
The Flynn effect puzzle: A 30-year examination from the right tail of the ability distribution provides some missing pieces
J Wai, M Putallaz
Intelligence 39 (6), 443-455, 2011
Helping disadvantaged and spatially talented students fulfill their potential: Related and neglected national resources
J Wai, FC Worrell
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1), 122-128, 2016
Studying intellectual outliers: Are there sex differences, and are the smart getting smarter?
J Wai, M Putallaz, MC Makel
Current Directions in Psychological Science 21 (6), 382-390, 2012
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Articles 1–20