Renata Lemos
Renata Lemos
Senior Economist, World Bank
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Does management matter in schools?
N Bloom, R Lemos, R Sadun, J Van Reenen
The Economic Journal 125 (584), 647-674, 2015
JEEA-FBBVA Lecture 2013: The new empirical economics of management
N Bloom, R Lemos, R Sadun, D Scur, J Van Reenen
Journal of the European Economic Association 12 (4), 835-876, 2014
Managing the family firm: evidence from CEOs at work
O Bandiera, R Lemos, A Prat, R Sadun
The Review of Financial Studies 31 (5), 1605-1653, 2018
The World Management Survey at 18: lessons and the way forward
D Scur, R Sadun, J Van Reenen, R Lemos, N Bloom
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 37 (2), 231-258, 2021
International data on measuring management practices
N Bloom, R Lemos, R Sadun, D Scur, J Van Reenen
American Economic Review 106 (5), 152-156, 2016
Healthy business? Managerial education and management in healthcare
N Bloom, R Lemos, R Sadun, J Van Reenen
Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-45, 2017
Developing management: An expanded evaluation tool for developing countries
R Lemos, D Scur
RISE Work-ing Paper 16 (007), 2016
Personnel management and school productivity: Evidence from india
R Lemos, K Muralidharan, D Scur
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Measuring and Explaining Management in Schools: New Approaches Using Public Data
C Leaver, R Lemos, D Scur
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14069, 2019
All in the family? CEO choice and firm organization
R Lemos, D Scur
Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political …, 2018
Could poor management be holding back development? Describing practices in the public and private sectors in India
R Lemos, D Scur
International Growth Centre (IGC) Working Paper, 1-53, 2012
Managing for learning: Measuring and strengthening education management in Latin America and the Caribbean
M Adelman, R Lemos
World Bank Publications, 2021
Constraints on developing UK management practices
N Bloom, R Lemos, M Qi, R Sadun, J Van Reenen
BIS Research Paper 58, 2011
The ties that bind: implicit contracts and management practices in family-run firms
R Lemos, D Scur
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13794, 2019
Management in Pakistan: first evidence from Punjab
R Lemos, A Choudhary, J Van Reenen, N Bloom
Journal Article, 2019
The ties that bind: implicit contracts and the adoption of management technology in the firm
R Lemos, D Scur
CEPR Discussion Paper, 2019
Management practices in manufacturing in Mozambique
R Lemos, D Scur
London: International Growth Center, 2014
A snapshot of mid-sized firms in Africa, Asia and Latin America
R Lemos, D Scur
LSE mimeo, 2015
All in the Family?: CEO Succession and Firm Organization
R Lemos, D Scur
Centre for the Study of African Economies, 2016
Management practices, firm ownership, and productivity in Latin America
R Lemos, D Scur
CAF, 2012
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Articles 1–20