T David Harris
T David Harris
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Luminescence and photophysics of cadmium sulfide semiconductor clusters: the nature of the emitting electronic state
N Chestnoy, TD Harris, R Hull, LE Brus
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 90 (15), 3393-3399, 1986
Radical ligand-containing single-molecule magnets
S Demir, IR Jeon, JR Long, TD Harris
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 289, 149-176, 2015
Slow magnetic relaxation in a high-spin iron (II) complex
DE Freedman, WH Harman, TD Harris, GJ Long, CJ Chang, JR Long
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (4), 1224-1225, 2010
Metal–organic framework magnets
AE Thorarinsdottir, TD Harris
Chemical reviews 120 (16), 8716-8789, 2020
Slow magnetic relaxation in a family of trigonal pyramidal iron (II) pyrrolide complexes
WH Harman, TD Harris, DE Freedman, H Fong, A Chang, JD Rinehart, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (51), 18115-18126, 2010
2D Conductive Iron-Quinoid Magnets Ordering up to Tc = 105 K via Heterogeneous Redox Chemistry
JA DeGayner, IR Jeon, L Sun, M Dincă, TD Harris
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 4175-4184, 2017
[ReCl4(CN)2]2−: A High Magnetic Anisotropy Building Unit Giving Rise to the Single-Chain Magnets (DMF)4MReCl4(CN)2 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)
TD Harris, MV Bennett, R Clerac, JR Long
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (11), 3980-3988, 2010
A 2D Semiquinone Radical-Containing Microporous Magnet with Solvent-Induced Switching from Tc = 26 to 80 K
IR Jeon, B Negru, RP Van Duyne, TD Harris
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, 15699-15702, 2015
An Azophenine Radical-Bridged Fe2 Single-Molecule Magnet with Record Magnetic Exchange Coupling
IR Jeon, JG Park, DJ Xiao, TD Harris
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (45), 16845-16848, 2013
Magnetic exchange coupling in actinide-containing molecules
JD Rinehart, TD Harris, SA Kozimor, BM Bartlett, JR Long
Inorganic chemistry 48 (8), 3382-3395, 2009
Slow Magnetic Relaxation Induced by a Large Transverse Zero-Field Splitting in a MnIIReIV(CN)2 Single-Chain Magnet
X Feng, J Liu, TD Harris, S Hill, JR Long
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (17), 7521-7529, 2012
Spin crossover in a four-coordinate iron (II) complex
JJ Scepaniak, TD Harris, CS Vogel, J Sutter, K Meyer, JM Smith
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (11), 3824-3827, 2011
A Porous Array of Clock Qubits
JM Zadrozny, AT Gallagher, TD Harris, DE Freedman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 7089–7094, 2017
Spin crossover iron (II) complexes as PARACEST MRI thermometers
IR Jeon, JG Park, CR Haney, TD Harris
Chemical Science 5 (6), 2461-2465, 2014
A Five-Coordinate Heme Dioxygen Adduct Isolated within a Metal-Organic Framework
JS Anderson, AT Gallagher, JA Mason, TD Harris
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 16489-16492, 2014
A Ferric Semiquinoid Single-Chain Magnet via Thermally-Switchable Metal-Ligand Electron Transfer
JA DeGayner, K Wang, TD Harris
Journal of American Chemical Society 140, 6550, 2018
Spin-Crossover and High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes as Chemical Shift 19F Magnetic Resonance Thermometers
AE Thorarinsdottir, AI Gaudette, TD Harris
Chemical Science 8, 2448-2456, 2017
Record Ferromagnetic Exchange Through Cyanide and Elucidation of the Magnetic Phase Diagram for a CuIIReIV Chain Compound
TD Harris, C Coulon, R Clérac, JR Long
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (1), 123–130, 2011
High-Throughput Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Porphyrinic Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks
ML Kelty, W Morris, AT Gallagher, JS Anderson, KA Brown, CA Mirkin, ...
Chemical Communications 52, 7854, 2016
Electronic Effects of Ligand Substitution on Spin Crossover in a Series of Diiminoquinonoid-Bridged FeII2 Complexes
JG Park, IR Jeon, TD Harris
Inorganic Chemistry 54, 359-369, 2015
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