Tobias Pfutze
Cited by
Cited by
Where does the money go? Best and worst practices in foreign aid
W Easterly, T Pfutze
Journal of Economic Perspectives 22 (2), 29-52, 2008
Does migration promote democratization? Evidence from the Mexican transition
T Pfutze
Journal of Comparative Economics 40 (2), 159-175, 2012
The welfare effects of mobile broadband internet: Evidence from Nigeria
K Bahia, P Castells, G Cruz, T Masaki, X Pedrós, T Pfutze, ...
Journal of Development Economics 170, 103314, 2024
Clientelism versus social learning: The electoral effects of international migration
T Pfutze
International Studies Quarterly 58 (2), 295-307, 2014
The effects of a noncontributory pension program on labor force participation: the case of 70 y Más in Mexico
L Juárez, T Pfutze
Economic Development and Cultural Change 63 (4), 685-713, 2015
The effects of Mexico’s Seguro Popular health insurance on infant mortality: An estimation with selection on the outcome variable
T Pfutze
World Development 59, 475-486, 2014
Vote suppression and insecure property rights
PC Dower, T Pfutze
Journal of Development Economics 114, 1-19, 2015
Land Titles and Violent Conflict in Rural Mexico
PC Dower, T Pfutze
Specificity of control: The case of Mexico's ejido reform
PC Dower, T Pfutze
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 91, 13-33, 2013
Can a small social pension promote labor force participation? Evidence from the Colombia Mayor Program
T Pfutze, C Rodríguez-Castelán
Evidence from the Colombia Mayor Program (December 15, 2015). World Bank …, 2015
Does access to health insurance reduce the risk of miscarriages? Evidence from Mexico’s Seguro popular
T Pfutze
Latin American Economic Review 24, 1-10, 2015
Social pension income associated with small improvements in self-reported health of poor older men in Colombia
P Hessel, M Avendano, C Rodríguez-Castelán, T Pfutze
Health Affairs 37 (3), 456-463, 2018
A logistic analysis of diarrhea incidence and access to water and sanitation
R Fuentes, T Pfütze, P Seck
Human Development Occasional Papers (1992-2007), 2006
Does access to water and sanitation affect child survival? A five country analysis
R Fuentes, T Pfuetze, P Seck
Human Development Occasional Papers (1992-2007), 2006
The Importance of Aid Fragmentation in Sub-Saharan Africa
T Pfutze
The Forum, 2010
Can non-contributory pensions decrease food vulnerability? The case of Mexico
L Juarez, T Pfutze
Empirical Economics 59 (4), 1865-1882, 2020
Should program graduation be better targeted? The other schooling outcomes of Mexico’s Oportunidades
T Pfutze
World Development 123, 104625, 2019
Learning Loss in Cambodia and the Use of EdTech during COVID-19
SD Bhatta, S Katwal, T Pfutze, V Ros, YN Wong, F No
World Bank, 2022
Urban transport infrastructure and household welfare: evidence from Colombia
T Pfutze, C Rodríguez-Castelán, D Valderrama
Empirical Economics 65 (3), 1409-1432, 2023
Fixing the Foundation: Teachers and Basic Education in East Asia and Pacific
R Afkar, T Beteille, M Breeding, T Linden, A Mattoo, T Pfutze, ...
World Bank Publications, 2023
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Articles 1–20