Hossein  Madadi Kojabadi
Hossein Madadi Kojabadi
Renewable Energy Research Center, Dept. of ECE, Sahand University of of Tech.
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Cited by
A new boost switched-capacitor multilevel converter with reduced circuit devices
R Barzegarkhoo, M Moradzadeh, E Zamiri, HM Kojabadi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (8), 6738-6754, 2017
A new strategy for wind speed forecasting using artificial intelligent methods
M Monfared, H Rastegar, HM Kojabadi
Renewable energy 34 (3), 845-848, 2009
Development of a novel wind turbine simulator for wind energy conversion systems using an inverter-controlled induction motor
HM Kojabadi, L Chang, T Boutot
IEEE Transactions on Energy conversion 19 (3), 547-552, 2004
Generalized structure for a single phase switched-capacitor multilevel inverter using a new multiple DC link producer with reduced number of switches
R Barzegarkhoo, HM Kojabadi, E Zamiry, N Vosoughi, L Chang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (8), 5604-5617, 2015
A novel DSP-based current-controlled PWM strategy for single phase grid connected inverters
HM Kojabadi, B Yu, IA Gadoura, L Chang, M Ghribi
IEEE transactions on power electronics 21 (4), 985-993, 2006
Enhanced-boost Z-source inverters with switched Z-impedance
H Fathi, H Madadi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (2), 691-703, 2015
Static and dynamic wind turbine simulator using a converter controlled dc motor
M Monfared, HM Kojabadi, H Rastegar
Renewable Energy 33 (5), 906-913, 2008
Impacts of distributed generations on power system transient and voltage stability
D Khani, AS Yazdankhah, HM Kojabadi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 43 (1), 488-500, 2012
A MRAS-based adaptive pseudoreduced-order flux observer for sensorless induction motor drives
HM Kojabadi, L Chang, R Doraiswami
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 20 (4), 930-938, 2005
Direct power control of DFIG based on discrete space vector modulation
MV Kazemi, AS Yazdankhah, HM Kojabadi
Renewable Energy 35 (5), 1033-1042, 2010
Cascaded multilevel inverter using series connection of novel capacitor‐based units with minimum switch count
R Barzegarkhoo, E Zamiri, N Vosoughi, HM Kojabadi, L Chang
IET Power Electronics 9 (10), 2060-2075, 2016
Active power and MRAS based rotor resistance identification of an IM drive
HM Kojabadi
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 17 (2), 376-389, 2009
Simulation and experimental studies of model reference adaptive system for sensorless induction motor drive
HM Kojabadi
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13 (6), 451-464, 2005
MRAS-based adaptive speed estimator in PMSM drives
HM Kojabadi, T Dept. of Electr. Eng., Sahand Univ. of Technol., M Ghribi
Advanced Motion Control, 2006. 9th IEEE International Workshop on, 2008
Development of a wind turbine simulator for wind energy conversion systems
L Chang, R Doraiswami, T Boutot, H Kojabadi
2000 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Conference …, 2000
Review of interconnection standards for distributed power generation
L Chang, HM Kojabadi
LESCOPE'02. 2002 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering …, 2002
Model reference adaptive system pseudoreduced-order flux observer for very low speed and zero speed estimation in sensorless induction motor drives
HM Kojabadi, L Chang
2002 IEEE 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 2002
Overview of Modulation Techniques for the Four-Switch Converter Topology
MK Monfared, Rastegar
2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 08), 2008
A modified static ground power unit based on novel modular active neutral point clamped converter
M Abarzadeh, HM Kojabadi, L Chang
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52 (5), 4243-4256, 2016
A static ground power unit based on the improved hybrid active neutral-point-clamped converter
M Abarzadeh, HM Kojabadi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (12), 7792-7803, 2016
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Articles 1–20