Hanna Fromell
Hanna Fromell
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University
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Cited by
Altruism, fast and slow? Evidence from a meta-analysis and a new experiment
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens
Experimental Economics 23 (4), 979-1001, 2020
One size does not fit all: Plurality of social norms and saving behavior in Kenya
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens, F Tufano
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 192, 73-91, 2021
How to dampen the surge of non-communicable diseases in Southeast Asia: insights from a systematic review and meta-analysis
M Fritz, H Fromell
Health policy and planning 37 (1), 152-167, 2022
Are victims truly worse off in the presence of bystanders? Revisiting the bystander effect
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens, F Tufano
Revue économique 70 (6), 927-943, 2019
Are victims truly worse off in the presence of bystanders? revisiting the bystander effect
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens, F Tufano
CeDEx Discussion Paper Series, 2017
Tradeoffs between self-interest and other-regarding preferences cause willpower depletion
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens
CeDEx Discussion Paper Series, 2014
Does a Bigger Commercial Banking Sector Benefit the Poor_ A Minor Field Study in Kenya
H Fromell
Minor Field Study Series, 2012
Remittances and development
H Fromell, T Grohmann, R Lensink
Contemporary issues in development finance, 104-139, 2020
Identity, communication, and conflict: an experiment
S Bhaumik, S Chowdhury, R Dimova, H Fromell
IZA Discussion Paper, 2023
DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES Identity, Communication, and Conflict: An Experiment
S Bhaumik, SM Chowdhury, R Dimova, H Fromell
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2023
Stereotypes, Identity and Effort: Do negative stereotypes affect migrants and non-migrants differently?
T Grohmann, H Fromell
Empeora realmente la situación de las víctimas en presencia de testigos? Una revisión del «efecto del espectador
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens, F Tufano
Revue économique 70 (6), 927-943, 2019
Income sharing and sharing norms: evidence from lab and field experiments
HC Fromell
University of Nottingham, 2018
CeDEx Discussion Paper Series ISSN 1749-3293
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens, F Tufano
Are Victims Truly Worse Off in the Presence of Bystanders? Revisiting
H Fromell, D Nosenzo, T Owens, F Tufano
Revue Economique., 0
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Articles 1–15