James Negen
Cited by
Cited by
Number‐concept acquisition and general vocabulary development
J Negen, BW Sarnecka
Child development 83 (6), 2019-2027, 2012
Is there really a link between exact‐number knowledge and approximate number system acuity in young children?
J Negen, BW Sarnecka
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 33 (1), 92-105, 2015
Development of allocentric spatial recall from new viewpoints in virtual reality
J Negen, E Heywood‐Everett, HE Roome, M Nardini
Developmental science 21 (1), e12496, 2018
Sensory cue combination in children under 10 years of age
J Negen, B Chere, LA Bird, E Taylor, HE Roome, S Keenaghan, L Thaler, ...
Cognition 193, 104014, 2019
Are bilingual children better at ignoring perceptually misleading information? A novel test
MC Goldman, J Negen, BW Sarnecka
Developmental Science 17 (6), 956-964, 2014
Early number knowledge in dual-language learners from low-SES households
BW Sarnecka, J Negen, MC Goldman
Language and culture in mathematical cognition, 197-227, 2018
Bayes-like integration of a new sensory skill with vision
J Negen, L Wen, L Thaler, M Nardini
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 16880, 2018
Central tendency biases must be accounted for to consistently capture Bayesian cue combination in continuous response data
S Aston, J Negen, M Nardini, U Beierholm
Behavior Research Methods 54 (1), 508-521, 2022
Four-year-olds use a mixture of spatial reference frames
J Negen, M Nardini
PloS one 10 (7), e0131984, 2015
An Excel sheet for inferring children’s number-knower levels from give-N data
J Negen, BW Sarnecka, MD Lee
Behavior research methods 44, 57-66, 2012
Young children’s number-word knowledge predicts their performance on a nonlinguistic number task
J Negen, BW Sarnecka
Effects of two-dimensional versus three-dimensional landmark geometry and layout on young children’s recall of locations from new viewpoints
J Negen, HE Roome, S Keenaghan, M Nardini
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 170, 1-29, 2018
Boundaries in spatial cognition: Looking like a boundary is more important than being a boundary.
J Negen, A Sandri, SA Lee, M Nardini
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (6), 1007, 2020
Analogue magnitudes and knower-levels: Re-visiting the variability argument
J Negen, B Sarnecka
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 32 (32), 2010
Coding locations relative to one or many landmarks in childhood.
J Negen, L Bou Ali, B Chere, HE Roome, Y Park, M Nardini
PLOS computational biology., 2019
Sensory cue combination in children under 10 years of age. Cognition, 193, Article 104014
J Negen, B Chere, LA Bird, E Taylor, HE Roome, S Keenaghan, L Thaler, ...
The difficulty of effectively using allocentric prior information in a spatial recall task
J Negen, LA Bird, E King, M Nardini
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 7000, 2020
The real preschoolers of Orange County: Early number learning in a diverse group of children
BW Sarnecka, J Negen, NR Scalise, MC Goldman, JN Rouder
Journal of Numerical Cognition 9 (1), 65-88, 2023
An adaptive cue selection model of allocentric spatial reorientation.
J Negen, LA Bird, M Nardini
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 47 (10 …, 2021
A new sensory skill shows automaticity and integration features in multisensory interactions
J Negen, LA Bird, H Slater, L Thaler, M Nardini
BioRxiv, 2021.01. 05.425430, 2021
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Articles 1–20