Samuel Araya
Samuel Araya
Corteva Agriscience
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Using Machine Learning for Prediction of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Sensitivity to Soil Structural Perturbations
TG Samuel Araya
Water Resources Research 55 (7), 2019
Thermal alteration of soil organic matter properties: a systematic study to infer response of Sierra Nevada climosequence soils to forest fires
AAB Samuel N. Araya, Marilyn L. Fogel
Soil 3, 31-44, 2017
Thermal alteration of soil physico-chemical properties: a systematic study to infer response of Sierra Nevada climosequence soils to forest fires
AAB Samuel N. Araya, Mercer Meding
Soil 2, 351-366, 2016
Advances in Soil Moisture Retrieval from Multispectral Remote Sensing Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Machine Learning Techniques
S Araya, A Fryjoff-Hung, A Anderson, J Viers, T Ghezzehei
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss, 1-33, 2020
Soil erosion controls on biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen
SN Berhe, Asmeret. A., Arnold, C., Stacy, E., Lever, R., McCorkle, E. & Araya
Nature Education Knowledge 5 (8), 2014
Long-term impact of cover crop and reduced disturbance tillage on soil pore size distribution and soil water storage
SN Araya, JP Mitchell, JW Hopmans, TA Ghezzehei
SOIL 8 (1), 177-198, 2022
Machine Learning Based Soil Moisture Retrieval from Unmanned Aircraft System Multispectral Remote Sensing
SN Araya, A Fryjoff-Hung, A Anderson, JH Viers, TA Ghezzehei
IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing …, 2020
No-tillage sorghum and garbanzo yields match or exceed standard tillage yields
JP Mitchell, A Shrestha, L Epstein, JA Dahlberg, T Ghezzehei, S Araya, ...
California Agriculture 75 (3), 2021
Soil structure and land surface controls on soil hydraulic properties and processes: Applications of machine learning, unmanned aircraft systems, and observations from long …
SN Araya
University of California, Merced, 2019
Responses of soil physic-chemical properties to combustion: a space for time substitution study to infer how changes in climate are likely to affect response of topsoil to fires
S Araya, S Meding, A Berhe
SOIL Discuss, 1-39, 2016
No-tillage, surface residue retention, and cover crops improved San Joaquin Valley soil health in the long term
JP Mitchell, SB Cappellazzi, R Schmidt, J Chiartas, A Shrestha, ...
California Agriculture, 2024
Investigating the Role of Soil Structure on Hydraulic Properties Using Machine Learning Models and Study of Soils from Long-Term Conservation Agriculture.
S Araya, TA Ghezzehei, J Mitchell
SSSA International Soils Meeting (2019), 2019
Using Machine Learning to Interpret Soil Moisture from Multispectral Imagery Captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
SN Araya, TA Ghezzehei, JH Viers, A Fryjoff-Hung, A Anderson
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, NS43C-0856, 2018
Investigating the role of soil structure on hydraulic properties using machine learning models and study of soils from long-term conservation agriculture
TA Ghezzehei, SN Araya, JP Mitchell
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H21J-1788, 2018
Improved Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Pedotransfer Functions Using Machine Learning Methods
SN Araya, TA Ghezzehei
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H33D-1719, 2017
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Articles 1–15