Martin Margreiter
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of Connected Highly Automated Vehicles on the Propagation of Congested Patterns on Freeways
N Motamedidehkordi, M Margreiter, T Benz
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, 2016
Designing a Vissim-Model for a Motorway Network with Systematic Calibration on the Basis of Travel Time Measurements
I Karakikes, M Spangler, M Margreiter
3rd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (CSUM), Volos, Greece, 2016
Shockwave Suppression by Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
N Motamedidehkordi, M Margreiter, T Benz
Transportation Research Procedia 15, 471-482, 2016
Automatic Incident Detection Based on Bluetooth Detection in Northern Bavaria
M Margreiter
Transportation Research Procedia 15, 525-536, 2016
Determination of the Parking Place Availability Using Manual Data Collection Enriched by Crowdsourced In-Vehicle Data
M Margreiter, F Orfanou, P Mayer
Transportation Research Procedia 25, 497-510, 2017
Bluetooth-based Travel Times for Automatic Incident Detection – A Systematic Description of the Characteristics for Traffic Management Purposes
M Karatsoli, M Margreiter, M Spangler
3rd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (CSUM), Volos, Greece, 2016
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Adaptive Network Signal Controls Based on Real Vehicle Trajectories
M Margreiter, S Krause, H Twaddle, J Lüßmann
Transportation Research Procedia 4, 421-430, 2014
Lane-Free Traffic: History and State of the Art
M Sekeran, M Rostami-Shahrbabaki, AA Syed, M Margreiter, ...
2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2022
Bluetooth-Measured Travel Times for Dynamic Re-Routing
M Margreiter, M Spangler, T Zeh, C Carstensen
Annual International Conference on ACE 2015 Singapore, 2015
Motorway Network Simulation Using Bluetooth Data
I Karakikes, M Spangler, M Margreiter
Transport and Telecommunication 17 (3), 242, 2016
Analyzing Human Driving Data - An Approach Motivated by Data Science Methods
P Wagner, R Nippold, S Gabloner, M Margreiter
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 90, 37-45, 2016
Evaluation of Driver Compliance to Displayed Variable Advisory Speed Limit Systems: Comparison between Germany and the US
G Riggins, R Bertini, W Ackaah, M Margreiter
Transportation Research Procedia 15, 640-651, 2016
Fast and Reliable Determination of the Traffic State Using Bluetooth Detection on German Freeways
M Margreiter
World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, 2016
TEMPUS-Test Field Munich-Pilot Test for Urban Automated Road Traffic
A Kutsch, M Margreiter, PN Stueger, F Fehn, B Metzger, L Hamm, ...
2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2022
A Concept for Crowdsourcing of In-Vehicle Data to Improve Urban On-Street Parking
M Margreiter, P Mayer, F Orfanou
mobil.TUM 2015 International Scientific Conference, Munich, Germany, 2015
Shockwave Analysis on Motorways and Possibility of Damping by Autonomous Vehicles
N Motamedidehkordi, T Benz, M Margreiter
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2015, 37-52, 2015
Revisiting Urban Traffic Control in Austria, Germany and Switzerland-Requirements for Future Developments
M Ilic, N Sautter, M Margreiter, A Loder, K Bogenberger
Transportation Research Board-101st Annual Meeting 2022, 2022
Assessment of traffic safety interventions using virtual randomized controlled trials: potential of connected and automated driving including V2X for collision reduction at …
F Denk, P Brunner, W Huber, M Margreiter, K Bogenberger, R Kates
2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2022
Changing Strategic Alignments in European Urban Traffic Control–Requirements for Future Developments
M Ilic, N Sautter, M Margreiter, A Loder, K Bogenberger
hEART-10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 2022
The Evolution of Bluetooth Detection Rates
M Margreiter, F Busch, C Carstensen
Transportation Research Board, 2019
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Articles 1–20