Contract duration and relationship-specific investments: Empirical evidence from coal markets PL Joskow The American Economic Review, 168-185, 1987 | 1797 | 1987 |
Vertical integration and long-term contracts: The case of coal-burning electric generating plants PL Joskow The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 1 (1), 33-80, 1985 | 1474 | 1985 |
Asset specificity and the structure of vertical relationships: empirical evidence PL Joskow The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 4 (1), 95-117, 1988 | 1174 | 1988 |
Markets for power: an analysis of electric utility deregulation PL Joskow, R Schmalensee Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983 | 1050 | 1983 |
Markets for clean air: The US acid rain program AD Ellerman Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 1027 | 2000 |
Lessons learned from electricity market liberalization PL Joskow The Energy Journal 29 (2_suppl), 9-42, 2008 | 971 | 2008 |
A quantitative analysis of pricing behavior in California's wholesale electricity market during summer 2000 PL Joskow, E Kahn The Energy Journal 23 (4), 1-35, 2002 | 887 | 2002 |
Comparing the costs of intermittent and dispatchable electricity generating technologies PL Joskow American Economic Review 101 (3), 238-241, 2011 | 868 | 2011 |
Transmission rights and market power on electric power networks PL Joskow, J Tirole The Rand Journal of Economics, 450-487, 2000 | 816 | 2000 |
Restructuring, competition and regulatory reform in the US electricity sector PL Joskow Journal of Economic perspectives 11 (3), 119-138, 1997 | 815 | 1997 |
A framework for analyzing predatory pricing policy PL Joskow, AK Klevorick J. Reprints Antitrust L. & Econ. 10, 259, 1979 | 750 | 1979 |
Inflation and environmental concern: Structural change in the process of public utility price regulation PL Joskow The Journal of Law and Economics 17 (2), 291-327, 1974 | 727 | 1974 |
Reliability and competitive electricity markets P Joskow, J Tirole The RAND Journal of Economics 38 (1), 60-84, 2007 | 711 | 2007 |
An interim evaluation of sulfur dioxide emissions trading R Schmalensee, PL Joskow, AD Ellerman, JP Montero, EM Bailey Journal of Economic Perspectives 12 (3), 53-68, 1998 | 710 | 1998 |
Regulation in theory and practice: An overview PL Joskow, RG Noll Studies in public regulation, 1-78, 1981 | 629 | 1981 |
Competitive electricity markets and investment in new generating capacity PL Joskow AEI-Brookings Joint Center Working Paper, 2006 | 600 | 2006 |
Cartels, competition and regulation in the property-liability insurance industry PL Joskow The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 375-427, 1973 | 590 | 1973 |
MERCHANT TRANSMISSION INVESTMENT* P Joskow, J Tirole The Journal of industrial economics 53 (2), 233-264, 2005 | 586 | 2005 |
Vertical integratio PL Joskow The Antitrust Bulletin 55 (3), 545-586, 2010 | 559 | 2010 |
Incentive regulation for electric utilities PL Joskow, R Schmalensee Yale J. on Reg. 4, 1, 1986 | 555 | 1986 |