Markus Pauly
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Cited by
Resampling-based analysis of multivariate data and repeated measures designs with the R package MANOVA. RM.
S Friedrich, F Konietschke, M Pauly
R J. 11 (2), 380, 2019
Parametric and nonparametric bootstrap methods for general MANOVA
F Konietschke, AC Bathke, SW Harrar, M Pauly
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 140, 291-301, 2015
Asymptotic permutation tests in general factorial designs
M Pauly, E Brunner, F Konietschke
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 2015
The Self‐Perception and Political Biases of ChatGPT
J Rutinowski, S Franke, J Endendyk, I Dormuth, M Roidl, M Pauly
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2024 (1), 7115633, 2024
Rank-based procedures in factorial designs: hypotheses about nonparametric treatment effects
E Brunner, F Konietschke, M Pauly, ML Puri
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 79, 1463-1485, 2017
Bootstrapping and permuting paired t-test type statistics
F Konietschke, M Pauly
Statistics and Computing 24 (3), 283-296, 2014
MATS: Inference for potentially singular and heteroscedastic MANOVA
S Friedrich, M Pauly
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 165, 166-179, 2018
Permuting longitudinal data in spite of the dependencies
S Friedrich, E Brunner, M Pauly
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 153, 255-265, 2017
Testing Mean Differences among Groups: Multivariate and Repeated Measures Analysis with Minimal Assumptions
AC Bathke, S Friedrich, M Pauly, F Konietschke, W Staffen, N Strobl, ...
Multivariate behavioral research 53 (3), 348-359, 2018
Is there a role for statistics in artificial intelligence?
S Friedrich, G Antes, S Behr, H Binder, W Brannath, F Dumpert, K Ickstadt, ...
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 1-24, 2021
Predicting missing values: A comparative study on non-parametric approaches for imputation
B Ramosaj, M Pauly
Computational Statistics 34 (4), 1741-1764, 2019
Weak Convergence of the Wild Bootstrap for the Aalen–Johansen Estimator of the Cumulative Incidence Function of a Competing Risk
J Beyersmann, SD Termini, M Pauly
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 40 (3), 387-402, 2013
Small sample sizes: A big data problem in high-dimensional data analysis
F Konietschke, K Schwab, M Pauly
Statistical methods in medical research 30 (3), 687-701, 2021
GFD: an R package for the analysis of general factorial designs
S Friedrich, F Konietschke, M Pauly
Journal of Statistical Software 79, 1-18, 2017
Childhood maltreatment as risk factor for lifetime depression: The role of different types of experiences and sensitive periods
J Gerke, AM Koenig, D Conrad, C Doyen-Waldecker, M Pauly, H Gündel, ...
Mental Health & Prevention 10, 56-65, 2018
A studentized permutation test for the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem in paired data
F Konietschke, M Pauly
Electronic Journal of Statistics 6, 1358-1372, 2012
Weighted resampling of martingale difference arrays with applications
M Pauly
Electronic Journal of Statistics 5, 41-52, 2011
Nonparametric MANOVA in meaningful effects
D Dobler, S Friedrich, M Pauly
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 72 (4), 997-1022, 2020
Weighted logrank permutation tests for randomly right censored life science data
M Brendel, A Janssen, CD Mayer, M Pauly
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 41 (3), 742-761, 2014
Testing equality of correlation coefficients in two populations via permutation methods
M Omelka, M Pauly
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142 (6), 1396-1406, 2012
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