Luke Harding
Cited by
Cited by
Defining the language assessment literacy gap: Evidence from a parliamentary inquiry
J Pill, L Harding
Language Testing 30 (3), 381-402, 2013
Towards a comprehensive, empirical model of language assessment literacy across stakeholder groups: Developing the language assessment literacy survey
B Kremmel, L Harding
Language Assessment Quarterly 17 (1), 100-120, 2020
Diagnostic assessment of reading and listening in a second or foreign language: Elaborating on diagnostic principles
L Harding, JC Alderson, T Brunfaut
Language Testing 32 (3), 317-336, 2015
Accent, listening assessment and the potential for a shared-L1 advantage: A DIF perspective
L Harding
Language Testing 29 (2), 163-180, 2012
Towards a theory of diagnosis in second and foreign language assessment: Insights from professional practice across diverse fields
JC Alderson, T Brunfaut, L Harding
Applied Linguistics 36 (2), 236-260, 2015
„25. Teacher assessment literacy and professional development “
L Harding, B Kremmel
Handbook of second language assessment. Berlin: De Gruyter, 413-428, 2016
Language assessment: The challenge of ELF
L Harding, T McNamara
The Routledge handbook of English as a lingua franca, 570-582, 2017
Communicative language testing: Current issues and future research
L Harding
Language assessment quarterly 11 (2), 186-197, 2014
Language testing and English as an international language: Constraints and contributions
C Elder, L Harding
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 31 (3), 34.1-34.11, 2008
Accent and listening assessment: A validation study of the use of speakers with L2 accents on an academic English listening test
L Harding
(No Title), 2011
Going online: The effect of mode of delivery on performances and perceptions on an English L2 writing test suite
T Brunfaut, L Harding, AO Batty
Assessing Writing 36, 3-18, 2018
Bridging assessment and learning: A view from second and foreign language assessment
JC Alderson, T Brunfaut, L Harding
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 24 (3), 379-387, 2017
What do raters need in a pronunciation scale? The user’s view
L Harding
Second language pronunciation assessment, 12-34, 2017
Pronunciation assessment
T Isaacs, L Harding
Language Teaching 50 (3), 347-366, 2017
Accent and academic listening assessment: A study of test-taker perceptions
L Harding
Melbourne Papers in Language Testing 13 (1), 1-33, 2008
Language testing in the ‘hostile environment’: The discursive construction of ‘secure English language testing’in the UK
L Harding, T Brunfaut, JW Unger
Applied Linguistics 41 (5), 662-687, 2020
Pronunciation assessment
L Harding
The encyclopedia of applied linguistics, 1-6, 2012
Disagreement practices in ELF academic group discussion: Verbal, nonverbal and interactional strategies
A Toomaneejinda, L Harding
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 7 (2), 307-332, 2018
Linking the GEPT listening test to the Common European Framework of Reference
T Brunfaut, L Harding
Language Training and Testing Centre, 2014
Validity in pronunciation assessment
L Harding
Assessment in second language pronunciation, 30-48, 2017
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Articles 1–20