M. Meron
M. Meron
MIGAL Galile Resrarch Institute, Head of Crop Eclogy Laboratory
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Cited by
Use of thermal and visible imagery for estimating crop water status of irrigated grapevine
M Möller, V Alchanatis, Y Cohen, M Meron, J Tsipris, A Naor, V Ostrovsky, ...
Journal of experimental botany 58 (4), 827-838, 2007
Estimation of leaf water potential by thermal imagery and spatial analysis*
Y Cohen, V Alchanatis, M Meron, Y Saranga, J Tsipris
Journal of experimental botany 56 (417), 1843-1852, 2005
Evaluation of different approaches for estimating and mapping crop water status in cotton with thermal imaging
V Alchanatis, Y Cohen, S Cohen, M Moller, M Sprinstin, M Meron, ...
Precision Agriculture 11, 27-41, 2010
Crop water stress mapping for site-specific irrigation by thermal imagery and artificial reference surfaces
M Meron, J Tsipris, V Orlov, V Alchanatis, Y Cohen
Precision agriculture 11, 148-162, 2010
In-field assessment of single leaf nitrogen status by spectral reflectance measurements
V Alchanatis, Z Schmilovitch, M Meron
Precision agriculture 6, 25-39, 2005
Effect of fall irrigation level in'Mauritius' and'Floridian'lychee on soil and plant water status, flowering intensity, and yield
RA Stern, M Meron, A Naor, R Wallach, B Bravdo, S Gazit
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 123 (1), 150-155, 1998
Crop water status estimation using thermography: multi-year model development using ground-based thermal images
Y Cohen, V Alchanatis, E Sela, Y Saranga, S Cohen, M Meron, A Bosak, ...
Precision Agriculture 16, 311-329, 2015
Pressure chamber procedures for leaf water potential measurements of cotton
M Meron, DW Grimes, CJ Phene, KR Davis
Irrigation science 8, 215-222, 1987
Foliage temperature extraction from thermal imagery for crop water stress determination
M Meron, M Sprintsin, J Tsipris, V Alchanatis, Y Cohen
Precision Agriculture 14, 467-477, 2013
Remote mapping of crop water status to assess spatial variability of crop stress
M Meron, J Tsipris, D Charitt
Precision agriculture, 405-410, 2003
Response of cotton water stress indicators to soil salinity
TA Howell, JL Hatfield, JD Rhoades, M Meron
Irrigation Science 5, 25-36, 1984
Applying high-resolution visible-channel aerial imaging of crop canopy to precision irrigation management
A Chen, V Orlov-Levin, M Meron
Agricultural water management 216, 196-205, 2019
3. Irrigation scheduling
TA Howell, M Meron
Developments in agricultural engineering 13, 61-130, 2007
System and method for remote monitoring of water stress status of growing crops
M Meron, JB Tsipris
US Patent 6,597,991, 2003
Canopy clumpiness and radiation penetration in a young hedgerow apple orchard
S Cohen, P Mosoni, M Meron
Agricultural and Forest meteorology 76 (3-4), 185-200, 1995
Water management of trickle and furrow irrigated narrow row cotton in the San Joaquin Valley
TA Howell, M Meron, KR Davis, CJ Phene, H Yamada
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 3 (2), 222-227, 1987
Climatic and hydrological aspects of the Hula restoration project
J Tsipris, M Meron
Wetlands Ecology and Management 6 (2), 91-101, 1998
Seasonal and spatial distribution of N & P substances in the Hula Valley (Israel) subterranean
M Gophen, M Meron, V Orlov-Levin, Y Tsipris
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology 4 (4), 121-131, 2014
Fusion of IR and multispectral images in the visible range for empirical and model based mapping of crop water status
V Alchanatis, Y Cohen, S Cohen, M Moller, M Meron, J Tsipris, V Orlov, ...
2006 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2006
The management of Lake Agmon Wetlands (Hula Valley, Israel)
M Gophen, Y Tsipris, M Meron, I Bar-Ilan
Hydrobiologia 506 (1), 803-809, 2003
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Articles 1–20