Quantum criticality P Coleman, AJ Schofield
Nature 433 (7023), 226-229, 2005
727 2005 Magnetic Field-Tuned Quantum Criticality in the Metallic Ruthenate Sr3 Ru2 O7 SA Grigera, RS Perry, AJ Schofield, M Chiao, SR Julian, GG Lonzarich, ...
Science 294 (5541), 329-332, 2001
710 2001 Emergence of the nematic electronic state in FeSe AIC M. D. Watson, T. K. Kim, A. A. Haghighirad, N. R. Davies, A. McCollam, A ...
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155106, 2015
420 2015 Metamagnetism and Critical Fluctuations in High Quality Single Crystals of the Bilayer Ruthenate RS Perry, LM Galvin, SA Grigera, L Capogna, AJ Schofield, ...
Physical review letters 86 (12), 2661, 2001
387 2001 Probing spin-charge separation in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid Y Jompol, CJB Ford, JP Griffiths, I Farrer, GAC Jones, D Anderson, ...
Science 325 (5940), 597-601, 2009
320 2009 Disorder-sensitive phase formation linked to metamagnetic quantum criticality SA Grigera, P Gegenwart, RA Borzi, F Weickert, AJ Schofield, RS Perry, ...
Science 306 (5699), 1154-1157, 2004
315 2004 Non-fermi liquids AJ Schofield
Contemporary Physics 40 (2), 95-115, 1999
272 1999 Metamagnetic quantum criticality in metals AJ Millis, AJ Schofield, GG Lonzarich, SA Grigera
Physical review letters 88 (21), 217204, 2002
242 2002 Ferromagnetic superconductivity driven by changing Fermi surface topology KG Sandeman, GG Lonzarich, AJ Schofield
Physical review letters 90 (16), 167005, 2003
147 2003 Dichotomy between the hole and electron behavior in multiband superconductor FeSe probed by ultrahigh magnetic fields MD Watson, T Yamashita, S Kasahara, W Knafo, M Nardone, J Béard, ...
Physical review letters 115 (2), 027006, 2015
145 2015 Sensitivity to disorder of the metallic state in the ruthenates L Capogna, AP Mackenzie, RS Perry, SA Grigera, LM Galvin, ...
Physical review letters 88 (7), 076602, 2002
123 2002 Pomeranchuk and topological Fermi surface instabilities from central interactions J Quintanilla, AJ Schofield
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (11), 115126, 2006
107 2006 Evolution of the low-temperature Fermi surface of superconducting FeSe1−x Sx across a nematic phase transition AI Coldea, SF Blake, S Kasahara, AA Haghighirad, MD Watson, W Knafo, ...
npj Quantum Materials 4 (1), 2, 2019
87 2019 Phenomenological transport equation for the cuprate metals P Coleman, AJ Schofield, AM Tsvelik
Physical review letters 76 (8), 1324, 1996
83 1996 Transport anomalies in a simplified model for a heavy-electron quantum critical point P Coleman, JB Marston, AJ Schofield
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (24), 245111, 2005
81 2005 How should we interpret the two transport relaxation times in the cuprates? P Coleman, AJ Schofield, AM Tsvelik
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 8 (48), 9985, 1996
78 1996 Quenched nematic criticality and two superconducting domes in an iron-based superconductor P Reiss, D Graf, AA Haghighirad, W Knafo, L Drigo, M Bristow, ...
Nature Physics 16 (1), 89-94, 2020
66 2020 Quasilinear magnetoresistance in an almost two-dimensional band structure AJ Schofield, JR Cooper
Physical Review B 62 (16), 10779, 2000
59 2000 High-field study of normal-state magnetotransport in AW Tyler, Y Ando, FF Balakirev, A Passner, GS Boebinger, AJ Schofield, ...
Physical Review B 57 (2), R728, 1998
54 1998 Simple description of the anisotropic two-channel Kondo problem P Coleman, AJ Schofield
Physical review letters 75 (11), 2184, 1995
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