Mark G. Ehrhart
Cited by
Cited by
Organizational climate and culture
B Schneider, MG Ehrhart, WH Macey
Annual Review of Psychology 64, 361-388, 2013
Leadership and procedural justice climate as antecedents of unit-level organizational citizenship behavior
MG Ehrhart
Personnel Psychology 57 (1), 61-94, 2004
Work time, work interference with family, and psychological distress
VS Major, KJ Klein, MG Ehrhart
Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (3), 427-436, 2002
Understanding organization-customer links in service settings
B Schneider, MG Ehrhart, DM Mayer, JL Saltz, K Niles-Jolly
Academy of Management Journal 48 (6), 1017-1032, 2005
Predicting followers' preferences for charismatic leadership: The influence of follower values and personality
MG Ehrhart, KJ Klein
The Leadership Quarterly 12 (2), 153-179, 2001
An organizational climate regarding ethics: The outcome of leader values and the practices that reflect them
MW Dickson, DB Smith, MW Grojean, M Ehrhart
The Leadership Quarterly 12 (2), 197-217, 2001
Organizational climate and culture: An introduction to theory, research, and practice
MG Ehrhart, B Schneider, WH Macey
Routledge, 2014
Organizational citizenship behavior in work groups: A group norms approach
MG Ehrhart, SE Naumann
Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (6), 960-974, 2004
The implementation leadership scale (ILS): Development of a brief measure of unit level implementation leadership
GA Aarons, MG Ehrhart, LR Farahnak
Implementation Science 9, 45, 2014
Leadership and organizational change for implementation (LOCI): A randomized mixed method pilot study of a leadership and organization development intervention for evidence …
GA Aarons, MG Ehrhart, LR Farahnak, MS Hurlburt
Implementation Science 10, 11, 2015
Aligning leadership across systems and organizations to develop a strategic climate for evidence-based practice implementation
GA Aarons, MG Ehrhart, LR Farahnak, M Sklar
Annual Review of Public Health 35, 255-274, 2014
The influence of transformational leadership and leader attitudes on subordinate attitudes and implementation success
LR Farahnak, MG Ehrhart, EM Torres, GA Aarons
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12 (1), 98-111, 2020
Assessing the organizational context for EBP implementation: The development and validity testing of the Implementation Climate Scale (ICS)
MG Ehrhart, GA Aarons, LR Farahnak
Implementation Science 9, 157, 2014
Perspectives on organizational climate and culture
B Schneider, MG Ehrhart, WH Macey
APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 373-414, 2011
Testing the latent factor structure and construct validity of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory
MG Ehrhart, KH Ehrhart, SC Roesch, BG Chung-Herrera, K Nadler, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 47 (8), 900-905, 2009
Organizational climate research: Achievements and the road ahead
B Schneider, MG Ehrhart, WH Macey
The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, 29-49, 2011
The roles of system and organizational leadership in system-wide evidence-based intervention sustainment: A mixed-method study
GA Aarons, AE Green, E Trott, CE Willging, EM Torres, MG Ehrhart, ...
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2016
Unit-level OCB and unit effectiveness: Examining the incremental effect of helping behavior
MG Ehrhart, PD Bliese, JL Thomas
Human Performance 19 (2), 159-173, 2006
Service attribute boundary conditions of the service climate–customer satisfaction link
DM Mayer, MG Ehrhart, B Schneider
Academy of Management Journal 52 (5), 1034-1050, 2009
Be careful what you ask for: Effects of response instructions on the construct validity and reliability of situational judgment tests
RE Ployhart, MG Ehrhart
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 11, 1-16, 2003
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Articles 1–20