Jon Rothbaum
Jon Rothbaum
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Long-term decline in intergenerational mobility in the United States since the 1850s
X Song, CG Massey, KA Rolf, JP Ferrie, JL Rothbaum, Y Xie
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (1), 251-258, 2020
Coronavirus Infects Surveys, Too: Survey Nonresponse Bias and the Coronavirus Pandemic
J Rothbaum, A Bee
Do grandparents matter? Multigenerational mobility in the united states, 1940–2015
J Ferrie, C Massey, J Rothbaum
Journal of Labor Economics, 2021
Co-operatives in a global economy: Key issues, recent trends and potential for development
SC Smith, J Rothbaum
Co-operatives in a post-growth era: Creating co-operative economics, 221-242, 2014
Changing income risk across the US skill distribution: Evidence from a generalized Kalman filter
JC Braxton, KF Herkenhoff, JL Rothbaum, L Schmidt
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Comparing income aggregates: How do the CPS and ACS match the National Income and Product Accounts, 2007–2012
J Rothbaum
US Census Bureau SEHSD Working Paper 1, 2015
Addressing Nonresponse Bias in the American Community Survey During the Pandemic Using Administrative Data
J Rothbaum, J Eggleston, A Bee, M Klee, B Mendez-Smith
ACS Research and Evaluation Report Memorandum Series ACS21-RER-05 …, 2021
The Administrative Income Statistics (AIS) Project: Research on the Use of Administrative Records to Improve Income and Resource Estimates
A Bee, J Rothbaum
US Census Bureau SEHSD Working Paper 36, 2019
Counterfactual spatial distributions
PE Carrillo, JL Rothbaum
Journal of Regional Science 56 (5), 868-894, 2016
Match bias or nonignorable nonresponse? Improved imputation and administrative data in the CPS ASEC
C Hokayem, T Raghunathan, J Rothbaum
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 2020
Using synthetic panels to estimate intergenerational mobility
JE Foster, J Rothbaum
Working paper No. 013/2015, 2015
Mobility curves: using cutoffs to measure absolute mobility
J Foster, J Rothbaum
Unpublished Manuscript, 2012
The Long-Run Impacts of Public Industrial Investment on Regional Development and Economic Mobility: Evidence from World War II
A Garin, J Rothbaum
Working Paper, 2022
Who benefits from retirement saving incentives in the US? Evidence on racial gaps in retirement wealth accumulation
T Choukhmane, J Colmenares, C O’Dea, J Rothbaum, L Schmidt
Climate change, uncertainty, and decision-making
A Malik, J Rothbaum, SC Smith
IIEP Working paper 2010-24, 2010
Sorting and geographic variation in intergenerational mobility
J Rothbaum
Unpublished Manuscipt, 1-79, 2016
Working for Your Bread: The Labor Supply Effects of SNAP
M Bitler, J Cook, J Rothbaum
AEA Papers and Proceedings 111, 496-500, 2021
Fixing Errors in a SNAP: Addressing SNAP Underreporting to Evaluate Poverty
L Fox, J Rothbaum, K Shantz
AEA Papers and Proceedings 112, 330-34, 2022
The Long-Run Impacts of Public Industrial Investment on Local Development and Economic Mobility: Evidence from World War II
A Garin, JL Rothbaum
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024
Counterfactual dissimilarity: Can changes in demographics and income explain increased racial integration in US cities?
PE Carrillo, JL Rothbaum
Journal of Regional Science 62 (1), 21-56, 2022
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Articles 1–20