Ryan Whalen
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Legal networks: The promises and challenges of legal network analysis
R Whalen
Mich. St. L. Rev., 539, 2016
A network theory of patentability
LG Pedraza-Fariña, R Whalen
The University of Chicago Law Review 87 (1), 63-144, 2020
Boundary spanning innovation and the patent system: Interdisciplinary challenges for a specialized examination system
R Whalen
Research Policy 47 (7), 1334-1343, 2018
Patent similarity data and innovation metrics
R Whalen, A Lungeanu, L DeChurch, N Contractor
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 17 (3), 615-639, 2020
The Bayh-Dole Act & public rights in Federally Funded Inventions: Will the agencies ever go marching in
R Whalen
Nw. UL Rev. 109, 1083, 2014
Defining legal technology and its implications
R Whalen
International Journal of Law and Information Technology 30 (1), 47-67, 2022
The Ghost in the Patent System: An Empirical Study of Patent Law's Elusive" Skilled Artisan"
L Pedraza-Fariña, R Whalen
Iowa L. Rev. 108, 247, 2022
Common law evolution and judicial impact in the Age of Information
R Whalen, B Uzzi, S Mukherjee
Elon L. Rev. 9, 115, 2017
Semantically-based patent thicket identification
M Gątkowski, M Dietl, Ł Skrok, R Whalen, K Rockett
Research Policy 49 (2), 103925, 2020
Computational Legal Studies: The Promise and Challenge of Data-Driven Research
R Whalen
Modeling annual supreme court influence: the role of citation practices and judicial tenure in determining precedent network growth
R Whalen
Complex Networks, 169-176, 2013
Natural language processing, article content & bibliometrics: Predicting high impact science
R Whalen, Y Huang, A Sawant, B Uzzi, N Contractor
ASCW 15, 6-8, 2015
Constitutional Amendment Versus Constitutional Replacement: An Empirical Comparison
DS Law, R Whalen
Routledge Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Change, 74-100, 2020
Complex innovation and the patent office
R Whalen
Chi.-Kent J. Intell. Prop. 17, 226, 2017
How many Latours is too many? Measuring brand name congestion in Bordeaux wine
C Buccafusco, JS Masur, R Whalen
Journal of Wine Economics 16 (4), 419-428, 2021
Citation distance: Measuring changes in scientific search strategies
R Whalen, Y Huang, C Tanis, A Sawant, B Uzzi, N Contractor
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web …, 2016
Judicial gobbledygook: the readability of Supreme Court writing
R Whalen
Yale LJF 125, 200, 2015
The emergence of computational legal studies: an introduction
R Whalen
Computational Legal Studies, 1-8, 2020
Second-Order Obviousness: How Information and Communication Technologies Make Inventions More Obvious and Why the Law Should Care
R Whalen
J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc'y 97, 597, 2015
Priority queuing on the docket: universality of judicial dispute resolution timing
S Mukherjee, R Whalen
Frontiers in Physics 6, 1, 2018
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