Valentina Poggioni
Valentina Poggioni
University of Perugia, Dept of Mathematics and Computer Science
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Cited by
Linear temporal logic as an executable semantics for planning languages
MC Mayer, C Limongelli, A Orlandini, V Poggioni
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16, 63-89, 2007
Differential evolution for neural networks optimization
M Baioletti, G Di Bari, A Milani, V Poggioni
Mathematics 8 (1), 69, 2020
A deep learning semantic approach to emotion recognition using the IBM watson bluemix alchemy language
G Biondi, V Franzoni, V Poggioni
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2017: 17th International …, 2017
Autoencoders for unsupervised real‐time bridge health assessment
V Giglioni, I Venanzi, V Poggioni, A Milani, F Ubertini
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 38 (8), 959-974, 2023
Fake twitter followers detection by denoising autoencoder
J Castellini, V Poggioni, G Sorbi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 195-202, 2017
A systematic review of data analytics job requirements and online-courses
M Almgerbi, A De Mauro, A Kahlawi, V Poggioni
Journal of Computer Information Systems 62 (2), 422-434, 2022
Planning in reactive environments
A Milani, V Poggioni
Computational intelligence 23 (4), 439-463, 2007
Experimental evaluation of pheromone models in ACOPlan
M Baioletti, A Milani, V Poggioni, F Rossi
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 62, 187-217, 2011
Automated classification of book blurbs according to the emotional tags of the social network Zazie
V Franzoni, V Poggioni, F Zollo
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1st International Workshop on Emotion and …, 2013
A multistrain bacterial model for link prediction andrea chiancone
A Chiancone, A Milani, V Poggioni, S Pallottelli, A Madotto, V Franzoni
2015 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC), 1075-1079, 2015
A bidirectional heuristic search for web service composition with costs
N Ukey, R Niyogi, K Singh, A Milani, V Poggioni
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 6 (2), 160-175, 2010
Multi-objective evolutionary GAN
M Baioletti, CAC Coello, G Di Bari, V Poggioni
Proceedings of the 2020 genetic and evolutionary computation conference …, 2020
Memes evolution in a memetic variant of particle swarm optimization
U Bartoccini, A Carpi, V Poggioni, V Santucci
Mathematics 7 (5), 423, 2019
Effective universal unrestricted adversarial attacks using a MOE approach
AE Baia, G Di Bari, V Poggioni
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 24th International Conference …, 2021
Data summarization model for user action log files
E Gentili, A Milani, V Poggioni
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2012: 12th International …, 2012
An ACO approach to planning
M Baioletti, A Milani, V Poggioni, F Rossi
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 9th European …, 2009
Lie to me: shield your emotions from prying software
AE Baia, G Biondi, V Franzoni, A Milani, V Poggioni
Sensors 22 (3), 967, 2022
Smart multi-objective evolutionary GAN
M Baioletti, G Di Bari, V Poggioni, CAC Coello
2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2218-2225, 2021
Can differential evolution be an efficient engine to optimize neural networks?
M Baioletti, G Di Bari, V Poggioni, M Tracolli
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data: Third International Conference …, 2018
Self regulating mechanisms for network immunization
L Mancini, A Milani, V Poggioni, A Chiancone
AI Communications 29 (2), 301-317, 2016
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Articles 1–20