Gloria Platero
Gloria Platero
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Cited by
Photon-assisted transport in semiconductor nanostructures
G Platero, R Aguado
Physics Reports 395 (1-2), 1-157, 2004
Floquet-Bloch theory and topology in periodically driven lattices
A Gómez-León, G Platero
Physical review letters 110 (20), 200403, 2013
Merging of Dirac points and Floquet topological transitions in ac-driven graphene
P Delplace, Á Gómez-León, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (24), 245422, 2013
Unconventional quantum optics in topological waveguide QED
M Bello, G Platero, JI Cirac, A González-Tudela
Science advances 5 (7), eaaw0297, 2019
Theoretical Approach to Microwave-Radiation-Induced Zero-Resistance States<? format?> in 2D Electron Systems
J Inarrea, G Platero
Physical review letters 94 (1), 016806, 2005
Dynamical detection of Majorana fermions in current-biased nanowires
F Domínguez, F Hassler, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (14), 140503, 2012
Nonequilibrium Transport through Double Quantum Dots: Kondo Effect versus Antiferromagnetic Coupling
R López, R Aguado, G Platero
Physical review letters 89 (13), 136802, 2002
AC-driven double quantum dots as spin pumps and spin filters
E Cota, R Aguado, G Platero
Physical review letters 94 (10), 107202, 2005
Interplay between long-range hopping and disorder in topological systems
B Pérez-González, M Bello, Á Gómez-León, G Platero
Physical Review B 99 (3), 035146, 2019
ac-driven localization in a two-electron quantum dot molecule
CE Creffield, G Platero
Physical Review B 65, 113304, 2002
Bipolar spin blockade and coherent state superpositions in a triple quantum dot
M Busl, G Granger, L Gaudreau, R Sánchez, A Kam, M Pioro-Ladrière, ...
Nature nanotechnology 8 (4), 261-265, 2013
Floquet engineering of long-range -wave superconductivity
M Benito, A Gómez-León, VM Bastidas, T Brandes, G Platero
Physical Review B 90 (20), 205127, 2014
Electronic transport through a double quantum dot in the spin-blockade regime: Theoretical models
J Iñarrea, G Platero, AH MacDonald
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (8), 085329, 2007
Temperature effects on microwave-induced resistivity oscillations and zero-resistance states in two-dimensional electron systems
J Inarrea, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (19), 193414, 2005
Engineering anomalous quantum Hall plateaus and antichiral states with ac fields
Á Gómez-León, P Delplace, G Platero
Physical Review B 89 (20), 205408, 2014
Josephson junction dynamics in the presence of - and -periodic supercurrents
F Domínguez, O Kashuba, E Bocquillon, J Wiedenmann, RS Deacon, ...
Physical Review B 95 (19), 195430, 2017
Kondo effect in ac transport through quantum dots
R López, R Aguado, G Platero, C Tejedor
Physical review letters 81 (21), 4688-4691, 1998
Microscopic model for sequential tunneling in semiconductor multiple quantum wells
R Aguado, G Platero, M Moscoso, LL Bonilla
Physical Review B 55 (24), R16053-R16056, 1997
Control of spin blockade by ac magnetic fields in triple quantum dots
M Busl, R Sánchez, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (12), 121306, 2010
Polarization immunity of magnetoresistivity response under microwave excitation
J Inarrea, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (7), 073311, 2007
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Articles 1–20