Tullio Salmon Cinotti
Cited by
Cited by
Smart water management platform: IoT-based precision irrigation for agriculture
C Kamienski, JP Soininen, M Taumberger, R Dantas, A Toscano, ...
Sensors 19 (2), 276, 2019
Semantic interoperability architecture for pervasive computing and internet of things
J Kiljander, A D’elia, F Morandi, P Hyttinen, J Takalo-Mattila, ...
IEEE access 2, 856-873, 2014
HABITAT: An IoT solution for independent elderly
E Borelli, G Paolini, F Antoniazzi, M Barbiroli, F Benassi, F Chesani, ...
Sensors 19 (5), 1258, 2019
SWAMP: An IoT-based smart water management platform for precision irrigation in agriculture
C Kamienski, JP Soininen, M Taumberger, S Fernandes, A Toscano, ...
2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), 1-6, 2018
A semantic publish-subscribe architecture for the Internet of Things
L Roffia, F Morandi, J Kiljander, A D’Elia, F Vergari, F Viola, L Bononi, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (6), 1274-1296, 2016
Architecting and deploying IoT smart applications: A performance–oriented approach
I Zyrianoff, A Heideker, D Silva, J Kleinschmidt, JP Soininen, ...
Sensors 20 (1), 84, 2019
Advancing IoT-based smart irrigation
R Togneri, C Kamienski, R Dantas, R Prati, A Toscano, JP Soininen, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine 2 (4), 20-25, 2019
RedSib: a Smart-M3 semantic information broker implementation
F Morandi, L Roffia, A D'Elia, F Vergari, TS Cinotti
2012 12th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 1-13, 2012
The design principles and practices of interoperable smart spaces
E Ovaska, TS Cinotti, A Toninelli
Advanced Design Approaches to Emerging Software Systems: Principles …, 2012
The need of multidisciplinary approaches and engineering tools for the development and implementation of the smart city paradigm
O Andrisano, I Bartolini, P Bellavista, A Boeri, L Bononi, A Borghetti, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (4), 738-760, 2018
Dynamic linked data: A SPARQL event processing architecture
L Roffia, P Azzoni, C Aguzzi, F Viola, F Antoniazzi, T Salmon Cinotti
Future Internet 10 (4), 36, 2018
Structural health monitoring and prognostic of industrial plants and civil structures: A sensor to cloud architecture
F Zonzini, C Aguzzi, L Gigli, L Sciullo, N Testoni, L De Marchi, M Di Felice, ...
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 23 (9), 21-27, 2020
Fall detection and 3-D indoor localization by a custom RFID reader embedded in a smart e-health platform
G Paolini, D Masotti, F Antoniazzi, TS Cinotti, A Costanzo
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 67 (12), 5329-5339, 2019
An Integrated Simulation Framework to Model Electric Vehicles Operations and Services
L Bedogni, L Bononi, M Di Felice, A D'Elia, R Mock, F Morandi, S Rondelli, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (8), 5900-5917, 2016
An interoperable architecture for mobile smart services over the internet of energy
L Bedogni, L Bononi, M Di Felice, A D'Elia, R Mock, F Montori, F Morandi, ...
2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2013
Smart-M3 and OSGi: The interoperability platform
D Manzaroli, L Roffia, TS Cinotti, E Ovaska, P Azzoni, V Nannini, ...
The IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications, 1053-1058, 2010
A Sensor Network with Embedded Data Processing and Data‐to‐Cloud Capabilities for Vibration‐Based Real‐Time SHM
N Testoni, C Aguzzi, V Arditi, F Zonzini, L De Marchi, A Marzani, TS Cinotti
Journal of Sensors 2018 (1), 2107679, 2018
A platform for enabling context aware telecommunication services
L Lamorte, CA Licciardi, M Marengo, A Salmeri, PH Mohr, G Raffa, ...
Third Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2007), June …, 2007
BEE-DRONES: Energy-efficient data collection on wake-up radio-based wireless sensor networks
A Trotta, M Di Felice, L Bononi, E Natalizio, L Perilli, EF Scarselli, ...
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2019
Wot store: Enabling things and applications discovery for the w3c web of things
L Sciullo, C Aguzzi, M Di Felice, TS Cinotti
2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2019
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Articles 1–20