Matthew G Thomas
Matthew G Thomas
Ysbyty Gwynedd
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Cited by
Detection of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) by Urinary Volatile Organic Compound Analysis
RP Arasaradnam, MJ McFarlane, C Ryan-Fisher, E Westenbrink, ...
PloS one 9 (9), e108750, 2014
Diagnostic accuracy of faecal biomarkers in detecting colorectal cancer and adenoma in symptomatic patients
MM Widlak, CL Thomas, MG Thomas, C Tomkins, S Smith, N O'Connell, ...
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 45 (2), 354-363, 2016
A Novel Tool for Noninvasive Diagnosis and Tracking of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
RP Arasaradnam, N Ouaret, MG Thomas, N Quraishi, E Heatherington, ...
Inflammatory bowel diseases 19 (5), 999-1003, 2013
The detection of patients at risk of gastrointestinal toxicity during pelvic radiotherapy by electronic nose and FAIMS: a pilot study
JA Covington, L Wedlake, J Andreyev, N Ouaret, MG Thomas, ...
Sensors 12 (10), 13002-13018, 2012
Evaluation of gut bacterial populations using an electronic e-nose and field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry: further insights into'fermentonomics'
RP Arasaradnam, N Ouaret, MG Thomas, P Gold, MN Quraishi, ...
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 36 (7), 333-337, 2012
A chamber for the perfusion of in vitro tissue with multiple solutions
MG Thomas, JA Covington, MJ Wall
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (1), 269-277, 2013
OC-163 Identification of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) using field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS)
R Arasaradnam, NO Ouaret, M Thomas, E Hetherington, MN Quraishi, ...
Gut 61 (Suppl 2), A70-A70, 2012
Development of two in vitro methodologies for the study of brain network dynamics and an application to the study of seizure-evoked adenosine release
MG Thomas
University of Warwick, 2015
Mo1394 Towards the Detection of Bile Acid Diarrhea: A Novel Non-Invasive Approach Using Electronic Noses (E-Nose) and Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (FAIMS)
J Covington, EW Westenbrink, M Thomas, NC O'Connell, C Bailey, ...
Gastroenterology 5 (144), S-655, 2013
Su1927 Identification of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Using Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry (FAIMS)
R Arasaradnam, N Ouaret, M Thomas, E Hetherington, CU Nwokolo, ...
Gastroenterology 142 (5), S-538, 2012
Evaluation of dynamic causal modelling and Bayesian model selection using simulations of networks of spiking neurons
MG Thomas
arXiv, arXiv:2306.15859, 2023
Reinkes oedema causing severe airway obstruction with relatively mild symptoms
MG Thomas, A Carstea, M Rashid, D Niblett
BMJ Case Reports 15 (e249811), 2022
OC-057 Undetectable faecal immunochemical test for haemoglobin excludes colorectal cancer in symptomatic patients: a prospective uk study
MM Widlak, CL Thomas, MG Thomas, C Tomkins, S Smith, C Darby, ...
Gut 66 (Suppl 2), A30-A31, 2017
PTH-187 A Novel Non-Invasive Approach to Diagnose Bile Acid Diarrhoea (Bad) using an Electronic Nose (E-Nose) and Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (Faims)
J Covington, E Westinbrink, M Thomas, N O’Connell, C Bailey, C Nwokolo, ...
Gut 62 (Suppl 1), A287-A288, 2013
Tu1913 Towards the Non-Invasive Detection of Colorectal Cancer: The Role of Electronic Noses (E-Nose) and Faims
J Covington, EW Westenbrink, NC O'Connell, C Bailey, M Thomas, ...
Gastroenterology 5 (144), S-879, 2013
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Articles 1–15