Anthony B. Sanders
Anthony B. Sanders
Distinguished Professor of Finance, George Mason University
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An empirical comparison of alternative models of the short‐term interest rate
KC Chan, GA Karolyi, FA Longstaff, AB Sanders
The journal of finance 47 (3), 1209-1227, 1992
Risk and return on real estate: evidence from equity REITs
KC Chan, PH Hendershott, AB Sanders
Real Estate Economics 18 (4), 431-452, 1990
Does regulatory capital arbitrage, reputation, or asymmetric information drive securitization?
BW Ambrose, M LaCour-Little, AB Sanders
Journal of Financial Services Research 28, 113-133, 2005
The variation of economic risk premiums in real estate returns
GA Karolyi, AB Sanders
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 17, 245-262, 1998
International real estate returns: a multifactor, multicountry approach
SA Bond, GA Karolyi, AB Sanders
Real Estate Economics 31 (3), 481-500, 2003
The subprime crisis and its role in the financial crisis
A Sanders
Journal of Housing Economics 17 (4), 254-261, 2008
Securitization: structuring and investment analysis
A Davidson, A Sanders, LL Wolff, A Ching
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Commercial mortgage-backed securities: prepayment and default
BW Ambrose, AB Sanders
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 26, 179-196, 2003
List prices, sale prices and marketing time: an application to US housing markets
DR Haurin, JL Haurin, T Nadauld, A Sanders
Real Estate Economics 38 (4), 659-685, 2010
The effect of conforming loan status on mortgage yield spreads: A loan level analysis
BW Ambrose, M LaCour‐Little, AB Sanders
Real Estate Economics 32 (4), 541-569, 2004
Securitization by banks and finance companies: Efficient financial contracting or regulatory arbitrage?
B Minton, A Sanders, PE Strahan
Ohio State University, Charles A. Dice Center for Research in Financial …, 2004
Секьюритизация ипотеки: мировой опыт, структурирование и анализ
Э Дэвидсон, Э Сандерс, ЛЛ Вольф, А Чинг
М.: Вершина 596, 2007
Posner, Hayek, and the economic analysis of law
TJ Zywicki, AB Sanders
Iowa L. Rev. 93, 559, 2007
REITs, IPO waves and long‐run performance
RJ Buttimer, DC Hyland, AB Sanders
Real Estate Economics 33 (1), 51-87, 2005
On the intertemporal behavior of the short-term rate of interest
AB Sanders, H Unal
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 23 (4), 417-423, 1988
Thy neighbor’s mortgage: does living in a subprime neighborhood affect one’s probability of default?
S Agarwal, BW Ambrose, S Chomsisengphet, AB Sanders
Real Estate Economics 40 (1), 1-22, 2012
Barriers to homeownership and housing quality: The impact of the international mortgage market
AB Sanders
Journal of Housing Economics 14 (3), 147-152, 2005
The historical behavior of REIT returns: A capital market perspective
AB Sanders
The Handbook of Real Estate Investment Trusts, 1997
On the determinants of the value of call options on default-free bonds
SA Buser, PH Hendershott, AB Sanders
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1988
CDO market implosion and the pricing of subprime mortgage-backed securities
Y Deng, SA Gabriel, AB Sanders
Journal of Housing Economics 20 (2), 68-80, 2011
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Articles 1–20