Edixon Rojas
Edixon Rojas
Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá
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Cited by
Cone metric spaces and fixed point theorems of T-Kannan contractive mappings
JR Morales, EM Rojas
Int. Journal of Math. Analysis 4 (4), 175-184, 2010
Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of nonlinear integral equations with delay
JR Morales, EM Rojas
International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 2 (2), 1-6, 2011
T-Zamfirescu and T-weak contraction mappings on cone metric spaces
JR Morales, E Rojas
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.1255, 2009
Cone metric spaces and fixed point theorems of T-contractive mappings
JR Morales, E Rojas
Revista Notas de Matematica 4 (2), 66-78, 2008
Some results on T− zamfirescu operators
JR Morales Medina, EM Rojas
Revista Notas de Matemática 5 (1), 64-71, 2009
Explicit solutions of Cauchy singular integral equations with weighted Carleman shift
LP Castro, EM Rojas
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 371 (1), 128-133, 2010
Reduction of singular integral operators with flip and their Fredholm property
LP Castro, EM Rojas
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 29, 119-129, 2008
Similarity transformation methods for singular integral operators with reflection on weighted Lebesgue spaces
LP Castro, EM Rojas
Int. J. Mod. Math 3 (3), 295-313, 2008
Espacios de Lebesgue con Exponente Variable. Un espacio de Banach de funciones medibles
H Rafeiro, E Rojas
Ediciones IVIC, 2014
Some Generalizations of Jungck′ s Fixed Point Theorem
JR Morales, EM Rojas
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2012 (1), 213876, 2012
Inversion from different kinds of information and real inversion formulas of the Laplace transform from a finite number of data
LP Castro, EM Rojas, S Saitoh
MESA Math. Eng. Sci. Aerosp 1, 181-190, 2010
Existence of positive solutions of a nonlinear second-order boundary-value problem with integral boundary conditions
J Galvis, EM Rojas, AV Sinitsyn
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2015 (236), 1-7, 2015
A New Essential Norm Estimate of Composition Operators from Weighted Bloch Space into μ‐Bloch Spaces
RE Castillo, JC Ramos-Fernández, EM Rojas
Journal of Function Spaces 2013 (1), 817278, 2013
Some fixed point theorems by altering distance functions
JR Morales, E Rojas
Palestine Journal of Mathematics 1 (2), 110-116, 2012
Unique continuation of the quasilinear elliptic equation on Lebesgue spaces Lp
RE Castillo, H Rafeiro, EM Rojas
Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics 11 (1), 136-153, 2021
A COLLOCATION METHOD FOR SINGULAR INTEGRAL OPERATORS WITH REFLECTION (Recent Developments of Numerical Analysis and Numerical Computation Algorithms)
LP Castro, EM Rojas
数理解析研究所講究録 1719, 155-167, 2010
Common fixed points for pairs of mappings with variable contractive parameters
JR Morales, EM Rojas, RK Bisht
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (209234), 2014
On the solvability of singular integral equations with reflection on the unit circle
LP Castro, EM Rojas
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 70 (1), 63-99, 2011
Contractive mappings of rational type controlled by minimal requirements functions
JR Morales, EM Rojas
Afrika Matematika 27 (1), 65-77, 2016
On the existence of fixed points for contraction mappings depending on two functions
JR Morales, EM Rojas
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 40 (3), 689-698, 2014
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Articles 1–20