Kouichi Semba
Cited by
Cited by
Coherent dynamics of a flux qubit coupled to a harmonic oscillator
I Chiorescu, P Bertet, K Semba, Y Nakamura, C Harmans, JE Mooij
Nature 431 (7005), 159-162, 2004
Superconducting qubit–oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling regime
F Yoshihara, T Fuse, S Ashhab, K Kakuyanagi, S Saito, K Semba
Nature Physics 13 (1), 44-47, 2017
Coherent coupling of a superconducting flux qubit to an electron spin ensemble in diamond
X Zhu, S Saito, A Kemp, K Kakuyanagi, S Karimoto, H Nakano, WJ Munro, ...
Nature 478 (7368), 221-224, 2011
Dephasing of a superconducting qubit induced by photon noise
P Bertet, I Chiorescu, G Burkard, K Semba, C Harmans, DP DiVincenzo, ...
Physical review letters 95 (25), 257002, 2005
Vacuum Rabi Oscillations in a Macroscopic Superconducting Qubit Oscillator System
J Johansson, S Saito, T Meno, H Nakano, M Ueda, K Semba, ...
Physical Review Letters 96 (12), 127006, 2006
Two-photon probe of the Jaynes–Cummings model and controlled symmetry breaking in circuit QED
F Deppe, M Mariantoni, EP Menzel, A Marx, S Saito, K Kakuyanagi, ...
Nature Physics 4 (9), 686-691, 2008
Dephasing of a superconducting flux qubit
K Kakuyanagi, T Meno, S Saito, H Nakano, K Semba, H Takayanagi, ...
Physical review letters 98 (4), 047004, 2007
Towards Realizing a Quantum Memory for a Superconducting Qubit:<? format?> Storage and Retrieval of Quantum States
S Saito, X Zhu, R Amsüss, Y Matsuzaki, K Kakuyanagi, T Shimo-Oka, ...
Physical review letters 111 (10), 107008, 2013
Multiphoton transitions in a macroscopic quantum two-state system
S Saito, M Thorwart, H Tanaka, M Ueda, H Nakano, K Semba, ...
Physical review letters 93 (3), 037001, 2004
Inversion of qubit energy levels in qubit-oscillator circuits in the deep-strong-coupling regime
F Yoshihara, T Fuse, Z Ao, S Ashhab, K Kakuyanagi, S Saito, T Aoki, ...
Physical review letters 120 (18), 183601, 2018
Persistent supercurrent atom chip
T Mukai, C Hufnagel, A Kasper, T Meno, A Tsukada, K Semba, F Shimizu
Physical review letters 98 (26), 260407, 2007
Normal and superconductive properties of Zn-substituted single-crystal YBa 2 (Cu 1− x Zn x) 3 O 7− δ
K Semba, A Matsuda, T Ishii
Physical Review B 49 (14), 10043, 1994
Controllable coupling between flux qubit and nanomechanical resonator by magnetic field
F Xue, YD Wang, CP Sun, H Okamoto, H Yamaguchi, K Semba
New Journal of Physics 9 (2), 35, 2007
Coherent operation of a gap-tunable flux qubit
X Zhu, A Kemp, S Saito, K Semba
Applied Physics Letters 97 (10), 2010
All-MgB2 Josephson tunnel junctions
K Ueda, S Saito, K Semba, T Makimoto, M Naito
Applied Physics Letters 86 (17), 2005
Absence of the Zeeman effect on the Maki-Thompson fluctuation in magnetoresistance of single crystals
K Semba, T Ishii, A Matsuda
Physical review letters 67 (6), 769, 1991
Characteristic spectra of circuit quantum electrodynamics systems from the ultrastrong-to the deep-strong-coupling regime
F Yoshihara, T Fuse, S Ashhab, K Kakuyanagi, S Saito, K Semba
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053824, 2017
Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition and Transport Properties of Underdoped Crystals
K Semba, A Matsuda
Physical Review Letters 86 (3), 496, 2001
Observation of collective coupling between an engineered ensemble of macroscopic artificial atoms and a superconducting resonator
K Kakuyanagi, Y Matsuzaki, C Déprez, H Toida, K Semba, H Yamaguchi, ...
Physical review letters 117 (21), 210503, 2016
Observation of dark states in a superconductor diamond quantum hybrid system
X Zhu, Y Matsuzaki, R Amsüss, K Kakuyanagi, T Shimo-Oka, N Mizuochi, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3524, 2014
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Articles 1–20