Abduljalil A. Al-Abidi
Abduljalil A. Al-Abidi
Associate Professor at Sana'a Community College, Yemen
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Enhance heat transfer for PCM melting in triplex tube with internal–external fins
S Mat, Abduljalil A Al-abidi, K Sopian, M Y, A Th
Energy Conversion and Management 74 (-), 223-236, 2013
Internal and External Fin Heat Transfer Enhancement Technique for Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage in Triplex Tube Heat Exchangers
AA Al-Abidi, S Mat, K Sopian, MY Sulaiman, A Mohammad
Applied Thermal Engineering 53 (1), 147-156, 2013
Geometric and design parameters of fins employed for enhancing thermal energy storage systems: a review
AM Abdulateef, S Mat, J Abdulateef, K Sopian, AA Al-Abidi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 1620-1635, 2018
Numerical study of PCM solidification in a triplex tube heat exchanger with internal and external fins
AAA , S Mat, K Sopian, M Y Sulaiman, A Th Mohammad
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61, 684–695, 2013
CFD applications for latent heat thermal energy storage:a review
AA Al-abidi, S Bin Mat, K Sopian, MY Sulaiman, AT Mohammed
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 20, 353-363, 2013
Experimental study of melting and solidification of PCM in a triplex tube heat exchanger with fins
AA Al-Abidi, S Mat, K Sopian, MY Sulaiman, AT Mohammad
Energy and Buildings 68 (Part A), 33-41, 2014
Review of the application of phase change material for heating and domestic hot water systems
MKA Sharif, AA Al-Abidi, S Mat, K Sopian, MH Ruslan, MY Sulaiman, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 557-568, 2015
Review of thermal energy storage for air conditioning systems
AA Al-Abidi, SB Mat, K Sopian, MY Sulaiman, CH Lim, A Th
Renewable and Sustainable energy reviews 16 (8), 5802-5819, 2012
Heat transfer enhancement of phase change materials by fins under simultaneous charging and discharging
MM Joybari, F Haghighat, S Seddegh, AA Al-Abidi
Energy Conversion and Management 152, 136-156, 2017
Experimental study of PCM melting in triplex tube thermal energy storage for liquid desiccant air conditioning system
AA Al-Abidi, S Mat, K Sopian, MY Sulaiman, A Th
Energy and Buildings 60, 270–279, 2013
Historical review of liquid desiccant evaporation cooling technology
AT Mohammad, SB Mat, MY Sulaiman, K Sopian, AA Al-abidi
Energy and Buildings 67, 22-33, 2013
Survey of hybrid liquid desiccant air conditioning systems
AT Mohammad, SB Mat, MY Sulaiman, K Sopian, AA Al-abidi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 20, 186-200, 2013
Heat transfer enhancement for PCM thermal energy storage in triplex tube heat exchanger
A Al-Abidi, S Mat, K Sopian, Y Sulaiman, A Mohammad
Heat Transfer Engineering 37 (7-8), 705-712, 2016
Thermal performance enhancement of triplex tube latent thermal storage using fins-nano-phase change material technique
AM Abdulateef, S Mat, J Abdulateef, K Sopian, AA Al-Abidi
Heat Transfer Engineering 39 (12), 1067-1080, 2018
Survey of liquid desiccant dehumidification system based on integrated vapor compression technology for building applications
AT Mohammad, SB Mat, MY Sulaiman, K Sopian, AA Al-Abidi
Energy and Buildings 62, 1-14, 2013
A combination of fins-nanoparticle for enhancing the discharging of phase-change material used for liquid desiccant air conditioning unite
AM Abdulateef, J Abdulateef, AA Al-Abidi, K Sopian, S Mat, MS Mahdi
Journal of Energy Storage 24, 100784, 2019
Survey of the control strategy of liquid desiccant systems
AT Mohammad, SB Mat, K Sopian, AA Al-abidi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 58, 250-258, 2016
Artificial neural network analysis of liquid desiccant dehumidifier performance in a solar hybrid air-conditioning system
AT Mohammad, SB Mat, MY Sulaiman, K Sopian, AA Al-abidi
Applied thermal engineering 59 (1-2), 389-397, 2013
Implementation and validation of an artificial neural network for predicting the performance of a liquid desiccant dehumidifier
AT Mohammad, SB Mat, MY Sulaiman, K Sopian, AA Al-Abidi
Energy conversion and management 67, 240-250, 2013
Experimental Performance of a Direct Evaporative Cooler Operating in Kuala Lumpur
AT Mohammada, SB Mata, MY Sulaimana, K Sopiana, AA Al-abidi
Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering 6 (1), 15-20, 2013
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Articles 1–20