Jong Un Lee
Jong Un Lee
School of materials science and engineering, Kyungpook National Univeristy
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Influence of Bi addition on dynamic recrystallization and precipitation behaviors during hot extrusion of pure Mg
J Go, JU Lee, H Yu, SH Park
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 44, 62-75, 2020
Dynamic recrystallization behavior and microstructural evolution of Mg alloy AZ31 through high-speed rolling
JH Lee, JU Lee, SH Kim, SW Song, CS Lee, SH Park
Journal of materials science & technology 34 (10), 1747-1755, 2018
Accelerated precipitation behavior of cast Mg-Al-Zn alloy by grain refinement
SH Kim, JU Lee, YJ Kim, JH Bae, BS You, SH Park
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 34 (2), 265-276, 2018
Microstructural evolution and grain growth mechanism of pre-twinned magnesium alloy during annealing
YJ Kim, JU Lee, YM Kim, SH Park
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 9 (4), 1233-1245, 2021
Improvement in extrudability and mechanical properties of AZ91 alloy through extrusion with artificial cooling
SH Kim, JU Lee, YJ Kim, BG Moon, BS You, HS Kim, SH Park
Materials Science and Engineering: A 703, 1-8, 2017
Controlling the microstructure and improving the tensile properties of extruded Mg-Sn-Zn alloy through Al addition
SH Kim, JU Lee, YJ Kim, JG Jung, SH Park
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 751, 1-11, 2018
Effects of homogenization time on aging behavior and mechanical properties of AZ91 alloy
JU Lee, SH Kim, YJ Kim, SH Park
Materials Science and Engineering: A 714, 49-58, 2018
Texture tailoring and bendability improvement of rolled AZ31 alloy using {10–12} twinning: The effect of precompression levels
JU Lee, YJ Kim, SH Kim, JH Lee, MS Kim, SH Choi, BG Moon, YM Kim, ...
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 7 (4), 648-660, 2019
Improvement in bending formability of rolled magnesium alloy through precompression and subsequent annealing
JU Lee, SH Kim, YJ Kim, SH Park
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 787, 519-526, 2019
Grain size effect on twinning and annealing behaviors of rolled magnesium alloy with bimodal structure
YJ Kim, JU Lee, SH Kim, YM Kim, SH Park
Materials Science and Engineering: A 754, 38-45, 2019
Improvement of mechanical properties and reduction of yield asymmetry of extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloy through Sn addition
SW Bae, SH Kim, JU Lee, WK Jo, WH Hong, W Kim, SH Park
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 766, 748-758, 2018
Effects of Sn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg–Bi binary alloy
SHP Sang-Cheol Jin, Jong Un Lee, Jongbin Go, Hui Yu
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 10, 850–861, 2022
Effects of cold pre-forging on microstructure and tensile properties of extruded AZ80 alloy
YJ Kim, SH Kim, JU Lee, JO Choi, HS Kim, YM Kim, Y Kim, SH Park
Materials Science and Engineering: A 708, 405-410, 2017
Variation in crystallographic orientation and twinning activation with size of individual grains in rolled magnesium alloy
YJ Kim, JU Lee, SH Kim, J Yoon, YM Kim, SH Park
Metals and Materials International 25, 1541-1547, 2019
Microstructural evolution of pre-twinned Mg alloy with annealing temperature and underlying boundary migration mechanism
YJ Kim, JU Lee, GM Lee, SH Park
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11 (8), 2953-2966, 2023
Improvement in mechanical properties of rolled AZ31 alloy through combined addition of Ca and Gd
J Go, JU Lee, BG Moon, J Yoon, SH Park
Metals and Materials International 26, 1779-1785, 2020
Evolution of high-cycle fatigue behavior of extruded AZ91 alloy by artificial cooling during extrusion
YJ Kim, SH Kim, JU Lee, BS You, SH Park
Materials Science and Engineering: A 707, 620-628, 2017
Microstructure evolution maps of AZ31 and AZ91–Ca–Y–MM alloys under precompression and subsequent annealing conditions
JU Lee, YJ Kim, SH Park
Materials Science and Engineering: A 854, 143814, 2022
Grain-refined AZ92 alloy with superior strength and ductility
JU Lee, SH Kim, WK Jo, WH Hong, W Kim, JH Bae, SH Park
Metals and Materials International 24, 730-737, 2018
Effect of Al addition on the microstructure, tensile properties, and bendability of extruded Mg-7Sn-1Zn alloy
SH Kim, JU Lee, YJ Kim, JO Choi, JH Lee, SH Park
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials 56 (1), 40-48, 2018
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Articles 1–20