Stefano Vaglio
Stefano Vaglio
University of Wolverhampton & Durham University
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Chemical Composition of Scent-Gland Secretions in an Old World Monkey (Mandrillus sphinx): Influence of Sex, Male Status, and Individual Identity
JM Setchell, S Vaglio, J Moggi-Cecchi, F Boscaro, L Calamai, LA Knapp
Chemical senses 35 (3), 205-220, 2010
Odour signals major histocompatibility complex genotype in an Old World monkey
JM Setchell, S Vaglio, KM Abbott, J Moggi-Cecchi, F Boscaro, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1703), 274-280, 2011
Chemical communication and mother-infant recognition
S Vaglio
Communicative & integrative biology 2 (3), 279-281, 2009
Volatile signals during pregnancy: a possible chemical basis for mother–infant recognition
S Vaglio, P Minicozzi, E Bonometti, G Mello, B Chiarelli
Journal of chemical ecology 35, 131-139, 2009
Sternal gland scent-marking signals sex, age, rank, and group identity in captive mandrills
S Vaglio, P Minicozzi, R Romoli, F Boscaro, G Pieraccini, G Moneti, ...
Chemical Senses 41 (2), 177-186, 2016
Does positive reinforcement training affect the behaviour and welfare of zoo animals? The case of the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
C Spiezio, S Vaglio, C Scala, B Regaiolli
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 196, 91-99, 2017
Sex differences in scent‐marking in captive red‐ruffed lemurs
ED Janda, KL Perry, E Hankinson, D Walker, S Vaglio
American Journal of Primatology 81 (1), e22951, 2019
Effects of scent enrichment on behavioral and physiological indicators of stress in zoo primates
S Vaglio, SSK Kaburu, R Pearce, L Bryant, A McAuley, A Lott, ...
American Journal of Primatology 83 (5), e23247, 2021
The impact of COVID-19 zoo closures on behavioural and physiological parameters of welfare in primates
E Williams, A Carter, J Rendle, S Fontani, ND Walsh, S Armstrong, ...
Animals 12 (13), 1622, 2022
Olfactory signals and fertility in olive baboons
S Vaglio, P Minicozzi, SE Kessler, D Walker, JM Setchell
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8506, 2021
Fecal concentrations of cortisol, testosterone, and progesterone in cotton-top tamarins housed in different zoological parks: relationships among physiological data …
S Fontani, S Vaglio, V Beghelli, M Mattioli, S Bacci, PA Accorsi
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 17 (3), 228-252, 2014
Gum feeder as environmental enrichment for zoo marmosets and tamarins
B Regaiolli, C Angelosante, G Marliani, PA Accorsi, S Vaglio, C Spiezio
Zoo Biology, 2020
Positive reinforcement training: a tool for care and management of captive vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops)
C Spiezio, F Piva, B Regaiolli, S Vaglio
Animal Welfare 24 (3), 283-290, 2015
Sexual dimorphism in crowned lemur scent-marking
EJ Elwell, D Walker, S Vaglio
Animals 11 (7), 2091, 2021
Red-green color vision in three catarrhine primates
F Fornalé, S Vaglio, C Spiezio, EP Previde
Communicative & Integrative Biology 5 (6), 583-589, 2012
Sampling and analysis of animal scent signals
D Walker, S Vaglio
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e60902, 2021
Anogenital scent-marking signals fertility in a captive female Alaotran gentle lemur
S Fontani, SSK Kaburu, G Marliani, PA Accorsi, S Vaglio
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9, 940707, 2022
Effects of rearing on the behaviour of zoo-housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
C Spiezio, S Vaglio, C Vandelle, C Sandri, B Regaiolli
Folia Primatologica 92 (2), 91-102, 2021
Female copulation calls vary with male ejaculation in captive olive baboons
S Vaglio, L Ducroix, MR Villanueva, R Consiglio, AJ Kim, P Neilands, ...
Behaviour 157 (8-9), 807-822, 2020
Chemical cues of identity and reproductive status in Japanese macaques
L Rigaill, S Vaglio, JM Setchell, N Suda‐Hashimoto, T Furuichi, C Garcia
American Journal of Primatology 84 (8), e23411, 2022
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Articles 1–20