Jorjoh Ndure
Jorjoh Ndure
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Cited by
Dynamic molecular changes during the first week of human life follow a robust developmental trajectory
AH Lee, CP Shannon, N Amenyogbe, TB Bennike, J Diray-Arce, OT Idoko, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1092, 2019
Targeting regulatory T cells to improve vaccine immunogenicity in early life
J Ndure, KL Flanagan
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 477, 2014
A phase I randomized clinical trial of candidate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 vaccine MVA. HIVA administered to Gambian infants
MO Afolabi, J Ndure, A Drammeh, F Darboe, SR Mehedi, ...
PloS one 8 (10), e78289, 2013
Haematological and biochemical reference values of G ambian infants
AA Odutola, MO Afolabi, J Jafali, I Baldeh, OA Owolabi, P Owiafe, G Bah, ...
Tropical Medicine & International Health 19 (3), 275-283, 2014
Negative Correlation between Circulating CD4+FOXP3+CD127 Regulatory T Cells and Subsequent Antibody Responses to Infant Measles Vaccine but Not …
J Ndure, F Noho-Konteh, JU Adetifa, M Cox, F Barker, MT Le, ...
Frontiers in immunology 8, 921, 2017
Heterologous and sex differential effects of administering vitamin A supplementation with vaccines
KJ Jensen, J Ndure, M Plebanski, KL Flanagan
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 109 (1 …, 2015
AH Lee, CP Shannon, N Amenyogbe, TB Bennike, J Diray-Arce, OT Idoko, ...
Brinkman RR, Ozonoff A, Hancock REW, van den Biggelaar AHJ, Steen H, Tebbutt …, 2019
Consortium E, Brinkman RR, Ozonoff A, Hancock REW, van den Biggelaar AHJ, Steen H, Tebbutt SJ, Kampmann B, Levy O
AH Lee, CP Shannon, N Amenyogbe, TB Bennike, J Diray-Arce, OT Idoko, ...
Kollmann TR. Dynamic molecular changes during the first week of human life …, 2019
Dynamic molecular changes during the first week of human life follow a robust developmental trajectory. Nat Commun 10: 1092
AH Lee, CP Shannon, N Amenyogbe, TB Bennike, J Diray-Arce, OT Idoko, ...
Predictive gene expression signature diagnoses neonatal sepsis before clinical presentation
AY An, E Acton, OT Idoko, CP Shannon, TM Blimkie, R Falsafi, O Wariri, ...
EBioMedicine 110, 2024
The Influence of Regulatory T cells on the response to the Measles and DTP vaccines in Gambian infants
J Ndure, F Noho-Konteh, J Adetifa, S Rowland-Jones, E Clarke, ...
Front. Immunol. Conference Abstract: 15th International Congress of …, 2013
PedVacc Infant HIV-1 Vaccine Trials: First Stage Towards a Vaccine Against Breast Milk Transmission of HIV-1
T Hanke, K Flanagan, W Jaoko, G John-Stewart, M Reilly, B Payne, ...
PedVacc001: Safety and Immunogenicity of a Candidate HIV-1 Vaccine, MVA. HIVA, Administered to Healthy Gambian Infants Born to HIV-1/2-Uninfected Mothers
M Afolabi, J Ndure, J Mueller, V Thomas, M Shams-Rony, N Borthwick, ...
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Articles 1–13