Stephen Billings
Stephen Billings
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Cited by
School Segregation, Educational Attainment, and Crime: Evidence from the End of Busing in Charlotte-Mecklenburg
JR Billings, Stephen B., David J. Deming
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 129 (1), 2014
Estimating the value of a new transit option
SB Billings
Regional Science and Urban Economics 41 (6), 525-536, 2011
The school-to-prison pipeline: Long-run impacts of school suspensions on adult crime
A Bacher-Hicks, SB Billings, DJ Deming
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16 (4), 165-193, 2024
Let the rich be flooded: the distribution of financial aid and distress after hurricane harvey
SB Billings, EA Gallagher, L Ricketts
Journal of Financial Economics 146 (2), 797-819, 2022
The location quotient as an estimator of industrial concentration
SB Billings, EB Johnson
Regional Science and Urban Economics 42 (4), 642-647, 2012
Should cities go for the gold? The long‐term impacts of hosting the Olympics
SB Billings, JS Holladay
Economic inquiry 50 (3), 754-772, 2012
Partners in crime
SB Billings, DJ Deming, SL Ross
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11 (1), 126-150, 2019
Do enterprise zones work? An analysis at the borders
S Billings
Public Finance Review 37 (1), 68-93, 2009
Life after lead: Effects of early interventions for children exposed to lead
SB Billings, KT Schnepel
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 10 (3), 315-344, 2018
Agglomeration within an urban area
SB Billings, EB Johnson
Journal of Urban Economics 91, 13-25, 2016
Partisan residential sorting on climate change risk
A Bernstein, SB Billings, MT Gustafson, R Lewis
Journal of Financial Economics 146 (3), 989-1015, 2022
The long-run effects of school racial diversity on political identity
SB Billings, E Chyn, K Haggag
American Economic Review: Insights 3 (3), 267-284, 2021
The effects of the announcement and opening of light rail transit stations on neighborhood crime
SB Billings, S Leland, D Swindell
Journal of Urban Affairs 33 (5), 549-566, 2011
Proving the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Stricter middle schools raise the risk of adult arrests.
A Bacher-Hicks, SB Billings, DJ Deming
Education Next 21 (4), 2021
Gentrification and failing schools: The unintended consequences of school choice under NCLB
SB Billings, EJ Brunner, SL Ross
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (1), 65-77, 2018
The value of a healthy home: Lead paint remediation and housing values
SB Billings, KT Schnepel
Journal of Public Economics 153, 69-81, 2017
The effect of school and neighborhood peers on achievement, misbehavior, and adult crime
SB Billings, M Hoekstra
Journal of Labor Economics 41 (3), 643-685, 2023
Hedonic amenity valuation and housing renovations
SB Billings
Real Estate Economics 43 (3), 652-682, 2015
A non-parametric test for industrial specialization
SB Billings, EB Johnson
Journal of Urban Economics 71 (3), 312-331, 2012
Sport events and criminal activity: A spatial analysis
SB Billings, CA Depken
Violence and aggression in sporting contests: Economics, history and policy …, 2011
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Articles 1–20