Ana C. Leite
Ana C. Leite
Honorary academic, University of Kent
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Cited by
Common ideological roots of speciesism and generalized ethnic prejudice: The social dominance human–animal relations model (SD‐HARM)
K Dhont, G Hodson, AC Leite
European Journal of Personality 30 (6), 507-522, 2016
Belief in conspiracy theories and intentions to engage in everyday crime
D Jolley, KM Douglas, AC Leite, T Schrader
British Journal of Social Psychology 58 (3), 534-549, 2019
Suspicion in the workplace: Organizational conspiracy theories and work‐related outcomes
KM Douglas, AC Leite
British Journal of Psychology 108 (3), 486-506, 2017
Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals
AC Leite, K Dhont, G Hodson
European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (1), 179-189, 2019
Overlooked leadership potential: The preference for leadership potential in job candidates who are men vs. women
A Player, G Randsley de Moura, AC Leite, D Abrams, F Tresh
Frontiers in psychology, 755, 2019
The psychology of speciesism
K Dhont, G Hodson, AC Leite, A Salmen
Why We Love and Exploit Animals, 29-49, 2019
Leadership diversity: Effects of counterstereotypical thinking on the support for women leaders under uncertainty
G Randsley de Moura, C Leicht, AC Leite, RJ Crisp, MA Gocłowska
Journal of Social Issues 74 (1), 165-183, 2018
The impact of risk perceptions and belief in conspiracy theories on COVID-19 pandemic-related behaviours
JP Hughes, A Efstratiou, SR Komer, LA Baxter, M Vasiljevic, AC Leite
PLOS ONE 17 (2), e0263716, 2022
Brexit or Bremain? A person and social analysis of voting decisions in the EU referendum
J Van de Vyver, AC Leite, D Abrams, SB Palmer
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 28 (2), 65-79, 2018
Surveillance or self-surveillance? Behavioral cues can increase the rate of drivers’ pro-environmental behavior at a long wait stop
R Meleady, D Abrams, J Van de Vyver, T Hopthrow, L Mahmood, A Player, ...
Environment and behavior 49 (10), 1156-1172, 2017
Endorsing and reinforcing gender and age stereotypes: The negative effect on self-rated leadership potential for women and older workers
F Tresh, B Steeden, G Randsley de Moura, AC Leite, HJ Swift, A Player
Frontiers in psychology 10, 688, 2019
Navigating the social identity of long covid
J Van de Vyver, AC Leite, NA Alwan
bmj 375, 2021
The effects of social and organizational connectedness on employee well‐being and remote working experiences during the COVID‐19 pandemic
A Brown, AC Leite
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 53 (2), 134-152, 2023
Evidências de validade da Escala de Orientação para a Comparação Social (INCOM) para o contexto de adolescentes portugueses
SLB Lins, M Campos, AC Leite, CL Carvalho, S Cardoso, JC Natividade
Psicologia 30 (1), 1-14, 2016
Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality
D Abrams, F Lalot, T Hopthrow, A Templeton, B Steeden, H Özkeçeci, ...
Journal of Environmental Psychology 74, 101587, 2021
Do ambiguous normative ingroup members increase tolerance for deviants?
AC Leite, IR Pinto, JM Marques
Swiss journal of psychology 75 (1), 47, 2016
" A right to lead": The role of leader legitimacy on group reactions to transgressive leadership
AG Marques, IR Pinto, AC Leite, GR de Moura, JW van Prooijen, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 51 (4), 350-362, 2021
“We aren’t idlers”: Using subjective group dynamics to promote prosocial driver behavior at long‐wait stops
A Player, D Abrams, J Van de Vyver, R Meleady, AC Leite, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 48 (11), 643-648, 2018
Building bonds: A pre-registered secondary data analysis examining linear and curvilinear relations between socio-economic status and communal attitudes
M Weick, DL Couturier, M Vasiljevic, P Ross, CJ Clark, RJ Crisp, AC Leite, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 102, 104353, 2022
Let's talk about Brexit: intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice, and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat
MR Edwards, AC Leite, G Randsley de Moura, AG Marques
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (5), 1037-1064, 2022
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Articles 1–20