martin sharp
martin sharp
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Raised salivary testosterone in women is associated with increased attraction to masculine faces
LLM Welling, BC Jones, LM DeBruine, CA Conway, MJL Smith, AC Little, ...
Hormones and behavior 52 (2), 156-161, 2007
“Crevasse-fill” ridges—a landform type characteristic of surging glaciers?
M Sharp
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 67 (3-4), 213-220, 1985
Salience of emotional displays of danger and contagion in faces is enhanced when progesterone levels are raised
CA Conway, BC Jones, LM Debruine, LLM Welling, MJL Smith, DI Perrett, ...
Hormones and behavior 51 (2), 202-206, 2007
High throughput diffractive multi-beam femtosecond laser processing using a spatial light modulator
Z Kuang, W Perrie, J Leach, M Sharp, SP Edwardson, M Padgett, ...
Applied Surface Science 255 (5), 2284-2289, 2008
Annual moraine ridges at Skálafellsjökull, south-east Iceland
M Sharp
Journal of Glaciology 30 (104), 82-93, 1984
Fast parallel diffractive multi-beam femtosecond laser surface micro-structuring
Z Kuang, D Liu, W Perrie, S Edwardson, M Sharp, E Fearon, G Dearden, ...
Applied Surface Science 255 (13-14), 6582-6588, 2009
The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source
KH Andersen, DN Argyriou, AJ Jackson, J Houston, PF Henry, PP Deen, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Sedimentation and stratigraphy at Eyjabakkajökull—an Icelandic surging glacier
M Sharp
Quaternary Research 24 (3), 268-284, 1985
Single-pulse drilling study on Au, Al and Ti alloy by using a picosecond laser
J Cheng, W Perrie, M Sharp, SP Edwardson, NG Semaltianos, G Dearden, ...
Applied Physics A 95, 739-746, 2009
Basal ice fades and their formation in the western Alps
B Hubbard, M Sharp
Arctic and Alpine Research 27 (4), 301-310, 1995
Surging glaciers: behaviour and mechanisms
M Sharp
Progress in Physical Geography 12 (3), 349-370, 1988
Femtosecond laser ablation characteristics of nickel-based superalloy C263
NG Semaltianos, W Perrie, P French, M Sharp, G Dearden, S Logothetidis, ...
Applied Physics A 94, 999-1009, 2009
Basal ice formation and deformation: a review
B Hubbard, M Sharp
Progress in Physical Geography 13 (4), 529-558, 1989
Generation and characterization of NiO nanoparticles by continuous wave fiber laser ablation in liquid
SZ Khan, Y Yuan, A Abdolvand, M Schmidt, P Crouse, L Li, Z Liu, M Sharp, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 11, 1421-1427, 2009
Laser welding of aluminium alloy 5083
P Okon, G Dearden, K Watkins, M Sharp, P French
International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics, 2002
The character, structure and origin of the basal ice layer of a surge-type glacier
M Sharp, J Jouzel, B Hubbard, W Lawson
Journal of Glaciology 40 (135), 327-340, 1994
Silicon nanoparticles generated by femtosecond laser ablation in a liquid environment
NG Semaltianos, S Logothetidis, W Perrie, S Romani, RJ Potter, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 12, 573-580, 2010
Modification of clasts in lodgement tills by glacial erosion
M Sharp
Journal of Glaciology 28 (100), 475-481, 1982
Surging glaciers: geomorphic effects
M Sharp
Progress in Physical Geography 12 (4), 533-559, 1988
Modification of the electrical properties of PEDOT: PSS by the incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation
NG Semaltianos, S Logothetidis, N Hastas, W Perrie, S Romani, RJ Potter, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 484 (4-6), 283-289, 2010
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