Michael E. Brown
Michael E. Brown
Sam and Irene Black School of Business Penn State-Erie, The Behrend College
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Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing
ME Brown, LK Treviño, DA Harrison
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 97 (2), 117-134, 2005
Ethical leadership: A review and future directions
ME Brown, LK Treviño
The leadership quarterly 17 (6), 595-616, 2006
Moral person and moral manager: How executives develop a reputation for ethical leadership
LK Trevino, LP Hartman, M Brown
California Management Review 42 (4), 128-142, 2000
A qualitative investigation of perceived executive ethical leadership: Perceptions from inside and outside the executive suite
LK Treviño, M Brown, LP Hartman
Human relations 56 (1), 5-37, 2003
Corporate social responsibility in the supply chain: an application in the food industry
MJ Maloni, ME Brown
Journal of business ethics 68, 35-52, 2006
Ethical and unethical leadership: Exploring new avenues for future research
ME Brown, MS Mitchell
Business ethics quarterly 20 (4), 583-616, 2010
Managing to be ethical: Debunking five business ethics myths
LK Trevino, ME Brown
Strategic human resource management: theory and practice, 2005
Do role models matter? An investigation of role modeling as an antecedent of perceived ethical leadership
ME Brown, LK Treviño
Journal of Business Ethics 122, 587-598, 2014
Socialized charismatic leadership, values congruence, and deviance in work groups.
ME Brown, LK Trevino
Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 954, 2006
Someone to look up to: Executive–follower ethical reasoning and perceptions of ethical leadership
J Jordan, ME Brown, LK Treviño, S Finkelstein
Journal of management 39 (3), 660-683, 2013
Leader–follower values congruence: Are socialized charismatic leaders better able to achieve it?
ME Brown, LK Treviño
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (2), 478, 2009
The role of leaders in influencing unethical behavior in the workplace
LK Treviño, ME Brown
Managing organizational deviance 5, 69-87, 2005
Making things click: Distributive leadership in an online division of an offline organization
ME Brown, DA Gioia
The Leadership Quarterly 13 (4), 397-419, 2002
How to avoid potential pitfalls
ME Brown
Organizational Dynamics 36 (2), 140-155, 2007
Ethical leadership: Assessing the value of a multifoci social exchange perspective
SD Hansen, BJ Alge, ME Brown, CL Jackson, BB Dunford
Journal of business ethics 115, 435-449, 2013
It’s lovely at the top: Hierarchical levels, identities, and perceptions of organizational ethics
LK Treviño, GR Weaver, ME Brown
Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2), 233-252, 2008
Do Ethical Leaders Get Ahead?
RS Rubin, EC Dierdorff, ME Brown
Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (2), 215-236, 2010
Moral intuition: Connecting current knowledge to future organizational research and practice
GR Weaver, SJ Reynolds, ME Brown
Journal of Management 40 (1), 100-129, 2014
The relationship between ethical and abusive coaching behaviors and student-athlete well-being.
MA Yukhymenko-Lescroart, ME Brown, TS Paskus
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 4 (1), 36, 2015
Employees’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: are they uniquely related to turnover intention?
M Nejati, ME Brown, A Shafaei, PS Seet
Social Responsibility Journal 17 (2), 181-197, 2021
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