Carlos Denner dos Santos
Carlos Denner dos Santos
Bell Canada & Jooay
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Artificial intelligence regulation: a framework for governance
PGR de Almeida, CD dos Santos, JS Farias
Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3), 505-525, 2021
The attraction of contributors in free and open source software projects
C Santos, G Kuk, F Kon, J Pearson
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 22 (1), 26-45, 2013
Inovação no setor público: teoria, tendências e casos no Brasil
P Cavalcante, M Camões, B Cunha, W Severo
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2017
A study of the relationships between source code metrics and attractiveness in free software projects
P Meirelles, C Santos Jr, J Miranda, F Kon, A Terceiro, C Chavez
2010 Brazilian symposium on software engineering, 11-20, 2010
Algunas consideraciones sobre la rabia humana transmitida por murciélago
MC Schneider, C Santos
Salud Pública de México 37 (4), 354-362, 1995
Information technology governance in public organizations: How perceived effectiveness relates to three classical mechanisms
G Heindrickson, S Carlos D Jr
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 11 (2), 297-326, 2014
Motivations of crowdsourcing contributors
LFS Pinto, CD dos Santos
Innovation & Management Review 15 (1), 58-72, 2018
A influência das variáveis ambientais e organizacionais no desempenho de startups
JQ Miranda, CD Santos Júnior, AT Dias
La diabetes mellitus y la transición de la atención a la salud
J Escobedo, C Santos
Salud pública de México 37 (1), 37-46, 1995
A study on the impact of non-operational mechanisms on the effectiveness of public information technology governance
LC Santos, CD Santos
Revista de Administração (São Paulo) 52, 256-267, 2017
Artificial intelligence regulation: A meta-framework for formulation and governance
P Almeida, C Santos, JS Farias
Understanding partnerships between corporations and the open source community: a research gap
C Santos
IEEE software 25 (6), 96-97, 2008
INOVAÇÕES NO SETOR PÚBLICO: uma abordagem teórica sobre os impactos de sua adoção
LF Oliveira, CD Santos Júnior
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2017
Understanding environmental terrorism in times of climate change: Implications for asylum seekers in Germany
C Kohler, CD Dos Santos, M Bursztyn
Research in Globalization 1, 100006, 2019
Free and open source software development: the end of the teenage years
I Steinmacher, G Robles, B Fitzgerald, A Wasserman
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 8, 1-4, 2017
Open source software projects' attractiveness, activeness, and efficiency as a path to software quality: an empirical evaluation of their relationships and causes
C Santos Jr
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2009
Gestão de riscos no setor público: revisão bibliométrica e proposta de agenda de pesquisa
DA Silva, JA Silva, GF Alves, CD Santos
Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap), 2021
" O que gerencio e de quem dependo?": Determinantes da ação de blogueiros
IV Castro, CD Santos
Revista de Administração Contemporânea 19 (4), 486-507, 2015
Uncovering steady advances for an extreme programming course
VA Santos, A Goldman, CD Santos
CLEI Electronic Journal 15 (1), 2-2, 2012
Free/libre/open source software development in software engineering education: Opportunities and experiences
C Chavez, A Terceiro, P Meirelles, C Santos Jr, F Kon
Fórum de Educaçao em Engenharia de Software (CBSoft’11-SBES-FEES), 2011
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Articles 1–20