Philip Trevelyan
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Chemically driven hydrodynamic instabilities
C Almarcha, PMJ Trevelyan, P Grosfils, A De Wit
Physical review letters 104 (4), 044501, 2010
Buoyancy-driven instabilities of miscible two-layer stratifications in porous media and Hele-Shaw cells
PMJ Trevelyan, C Almarcha, A De Wit
Journal of fluid mechanics 670, 38-65, 2011
Modelling film flows down a fibre
C Ruyer-Quil, P Treveleyan, F Giorgiutti-Dauphiné, C Duprat, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 603, 431-462, 2008
Viscous fingering of a miscible reactive A+ B→ C interface: a linear stability analysis
SH Hejazi, PMJ Trevelyan, J Azaiez, A De Wit
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 652, 501-528, 2010
Influence of double diffusive effects on miscible viscous fingering
M Mishra, PMJ Trevelyan, C Almarcha, A De Wit
Physical review letters 105 (20), 204501, 2010
Heated falling films
PMJ Trevelyan, B Scheid, C Ruyer-Quil, S Kalliadasis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 592, 295-334, 2007
Experimental evidence of reaction-driven miscible viscous fingering
LA Riolfo, Y Nagatsu, S Iwata, R Maes, PMJ Trevelyan, A De Wit
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (1 …, 2012
Active role of a color indicator in buoyancy-driven instabilities of chemical fronts
C Almarcha, PMJ Trevelyan, LA Riolfo, A Zalts, C El Hasi, A D’Onofrio, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (4), 752-757, 2010
Dynamics of Reaction Fronts in the Presence of Buoyancy-Driven Convection
L Rongy, PMJ Trevelyan, A De Wit
Physical review letters 101 (8), 084503, 2008
Free-surface thin-film flows over uniformly heated topography
S Saprykin, PMJ Trevelyan, RJ Koopmans, S Kalliadasis
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
Convective mixing induced by acid–base reactions
C Almarcha, Y R'Honi, Y De Decker, PMJ Trevelyan, K Eckert, A De Wit
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (32), 9739-9744, 2011
Buoyancy-driven instabilities around miscible reaction fronts: A general classification
PMJ Trevelyan, C Almarcha, A De Wit
Physical Review E 91 (2), 023001, 2015
Wave dynamics on a thin-liquid film falling down a heated wall
PMJ Trevelyan, S Kalliadasis
Journal of engineering mathematics 50 (2), 177-208, 2004
Dynamics of a horizontal thin liquid film in the presence of reactive surfactants
A Pereira, PMJ Trevelyan, U Thiele, S Kalliadasis
Physics of fluids 19 (11), 2007
Mixed-mode instability of a miscible interface due to coupling between Rayleigh-Taylor and double-diffusive convective modes
J Carballido-Landeira, PMJ Trevelyan, C Almarcha, A De Wit
Physics of Fluids 25 (2), 2013
Differential diffusion effects on buoyancy-driven instabilities of acid–base fronts: the case of a color indicator
S Kuster, LA Riolfo, A Zalts, C El Hasi, C Almarcha, PMJ Trevelyan, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (38), 17295-17303, 2011
Dynamics of a reactive falling film at large Péclet numbers. I. Long-wave approximation
PMJ Trevelyan, S Kalliadasis
Physics of Fluids 16 (8), 3191-3208, 2004
Influence of buoyancy-driven convection on the dynamics of A+ B→ C reaction fronts in horizontal solution layers
L Rongy, PMJ Trevelyan, A De Wit
Chemical engineering science 65 (7), 2382-2391, 2010
Density profiles around reaction-diffusion fronts in partially miscible systems: A general classification
V Loodts, PMJ Trevelyan, L Rongy, A De Wit
Physical Review E 94 (4), 043115, 2016
Dynamics of a vertically falling film in the presence of a first-order chemical reaction
PMJ Trevelyan, S Kalliadasis, JH Merkin, SK Scott
Physics of Fluids 14 (7), 2402-2421, 2002
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Articles 1–20