Sonia Buchholtz
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Zitiert von
Motivations and barriers to bicycle commuting: Lessons from Poland
E Biernat, S Buchholtz, P Bartkiewicz
Transportation Research Part F 55, 492-502, 2018
Big and open data in Europe: A growth engine or a missed opportunity
S Buchholtz, M Bukowski, A Sniegocki
Warsaw Institute for Economic Studies Report Commissioned by demosEUROPA 10, 116, 2014
Eye on the ball: table tennis as a pro-health form of leisure-time physical activity
E Biernat, S Buchholtz, J Krzepota
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (4), 738, 2018
The Regularities in Insufficient Leisure-Time Physical Activity in Poland
E Biernat, S Buchholtz
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (8), 798, 2016
Are Structural Changes in Polish Rural Areas Fostering Leisure-Time Physical Activity?
E Biernat, P Bartkiewicz, S Buchholtz
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 (4), 372, 2017
The Polish NDC Scheme: Success in the face of adversity
S Buchholtz, S Buchholtz
World Bank, 2019
Analiza doświadczeń oraz identyfikacja dobrych praktyk w obszarze wspierania rozwoju kompetencji cyfrowych w kontekście przygotowania szczegółowych zasad wdrażania Programu …
S Buchholtz, A Buchner, M Filiciak, J Jasiewicz, P Kabicz, A Mierzecka, ...
Myopic savings behaviour of future Polish pensioners
S Buchholtz, J Gąska, M Góra
Risks 9 (2), 36, 2021
Big and open data in Europe
S Buchholtz, M Bukowski, A Śniegocki
A growth engine or a missed opportunity, 114, 2014
Employment in Poland 2009. Entrepreneurship for work
M Bukowski, P Lewandowski, S Buchholtz, L Skrok, J Gaska, H Debowski
Books and Reports published by IBS, 2010
Implementing nonfinancial defined contribution pensions in Poland
S Buchholtz, A Chłoń-Domińczak, M Góra
Progress and Challenges of Nonfinancial Defined Pension Schemes. Washington …, 2017
Pension Strategies of Workers in a Country Getting Old before Getting Rich
S Buchholtz, J Gaska, M Góra
IZA Discussion Paper, 2018
Poor health and contraindications─ the most common barriers to physical activity in poles aged 50+
E Biernat, S Buchholtz
Health Problems of Civilization 11 (3), 135-141, 2017
Deklarowane powody nieoszczędzania na emeryturę w świetle ogólnopolskich badań ankietowych
S Buchholtz, M Szczepański
Polityka Społeczna 580 (07), 1-9, 2022
Czas na aktywność czy aktywność na czas? Brak czasu wolnego jako bariera aktywności fizycznej dorosłych Polaków
E Biernat, S Buchholtz, W Tomaszewski
Polish Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 41-50, 2018
The impact of framing and anchoring on postponing labour market exit-evidence from Polish NDC+ FDC pension scheme
S Buchholtz, J Rutecka-Góra
University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association, 2021
Physical activity for longer working lives. An analysis of physical activity profiles of selected occupational groups in Poland
E Biernat, S Buchholtz, M Góra
Med. Lav 107, 444-461, 2016
The Polish NDC Scheme: Success in the Faceoff Adversity
S Buchholtz, A Chłoń-Domińczak, M Góra
Fitting fitness into the schedule: Lack of free time as a barrier to leisure-time physical activity of adult Poles
E Biernat, S Buchholtz, W Tomaszewski
Polish Journal of Sports Medicine 34 (1), 41-50, 2018
Dłużej pracować czy więcej oszczędzać? Strategie emerytalne uczestników systemu emerytalnego NDC: https://doi. org/10.31971/2299-2332.2023. 17.1
S Buchholtz, J Rutecka-Góra, P Kowalczyk-Rólczyńska, R Kurach
Zabezpieczenie Społeczne. Teoria, Prawo, Praktyka, 9-21, 2023
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