Diego Rodríguez
Diego Rodríguez
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, FCEN, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
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Tuberculosis in seals caused by a novel member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex: Mycobacterium pinnipedii sp. nov.
DV Cousins, R Bastida, A Cataldi, V Quse, S Redrobe, S Dow, P Duignan, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 53 (5 …, 2003
Marine biodiversity in the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America: knowledge and gaps
P Miloslavich, E Klein, JM Díaz, CE Hernández, G Bigatti, L Campos, ...
PloS one 6 (1), e14631, 2011
Plastic ingestion in Franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais and d’Orbigny, 1844), from Argentina
P Denuncio, R Bastida, M Dassis, G Giardino, M Gerpe, D Rodríguez
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (8), 1836-1841, 2011
Mamíferos marinos de Patagonia y Antártida
R Bastida, D Rodríguez
Vazquez Mazzini, 2003
Mamiferos Acuaticos Sudamerica Antartida
D Rodríguez, E Secchi, VMF Silva
Vazquez Mazzini Editores, 2007
Tissue distribution of heavy metals in small cetaceans from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
JE Marcovecchio, VJ Moreno, RO Bastida, MS Gerpe, DH Rodríguez
Marine Pollution Bulletin 21 (6), 299-304, 1990
Feeding ecology of the franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) in marine and estuarine waters of Argentina
D Rodríguez, L Rivero, R Bastida
Innovation, growth, and getting to where you want to go
R Jacoby, D Rodriguez
Design Management Review 18 (1), 10, 2007
Environmental contamination and marine mammals in coastal waters from Argentina: an overview
JE Marcovecchio, MS Gerpe, RO Bastida, DH Rodríguez, SG Morón
Science of the Total Environment 154 (2-3), 141-151, 1994
Accumulation of heavy metals in the franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
MS Gerpe, DH Rodriguez, VJ Moreno, RO Bastida, JE Aizpun
LAJAM, 2002
Status, population trend and genetic structure of South American fur seals, Arctocephalus australis, in southwestern Atlantic waters
EA Crespo, ACM Schiavini, NA García, V Franco‐Trecu, RNP Goodall, ...
Marine Mammal Science 31 (3), 866-890, 2015
Tuberculosis in a wild subantarctic fur seal from Argentina
R Bastida, J Loureiro, V Quse, A Bernardelli, D Rodríguez, E Costa
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 35 (4), 796-798, 1999
Molecular identification, morphological characterization and new insights into the ecology of larval Pseudoterranova cattani in fishes from the Argentine coast with its …
JT Timi, M Paoletti, R Cimmaruta, AL Lanfranchi, AJ Alarcos, L Garbin, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 199 (1-2), 59-72, 2014
Genetic evidence for two sibling species within Contracaecum ogmorhini Johnston & Mawson, 1941 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from otariid seals of boreal and …
S Mattiucci, R Cianchi, G Nascetti, L Paggi, N Sardella, J Timi, SC Webb, ...
Systematic Parasitology 54, 13-23, 2003
Corynosoma australe Johnston, 1937 and C. cetaceum Johnston & Best, 1942 (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) from marine mammals and fishes in Argentinian …
NH Sardella, S Mattiucci, JT Timi, RO Bastida, DH Rodríguez, G Nascetti
Systematic Parasitology 61, 143-156, 2005
Biogeography of common dolphins (genus Delphinus) in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
M Tavares, IB Moreno, S Siciliano, D Rodriguez, MC De O. SANTOS, ...
Mammal Review 40 (1), 40-64, 2010
Differential impact of marine debris ingestion during ontogenetic dietary shift of green turtles in Uruguayan waters
GM Vélez-Rubio, N Teryda, PE Asaroff, A Estrades, D Rodriguez, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 127, 603-611, 2018
Foraging strategies of Southern sea lion females in the La Plata River Estuary (Argentina-Uruguay)
DH Rodríguez, M Dassis, A Ponce de León, C Barreiro, M Farenga, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2013
Marine debris ingestion by the South American fur seal from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
P Denuncio, MA Mandiola, SBP Salles, R Machado, PH Ott, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 122 (1-2), 420-425, 2017
Report of the working group on biology and ecology
D Danilewicz, F Rosas, R Bastida, J Marigo, M Muelbert, D Rodríguez, ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 25-42, 2002
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Articles 1–20