Dustin Offermann
Dustin Offermann
Scientist at Voss Scientific
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене vosssci.com
Dynamics of relativistic transparency and optical shuttering in expanding overdense plasmas
S Palaniyappan, BM Hegelich, HC Wu, D Jung, DC Gautier, L Yin, ...
Nature Physics 8 (10), 763-769, 2012
Increased laser-accelerated proton energies via direct laser-light-pressure acceleration of electrons in microcone targets
SA Gaillard, T Kluge, KA Flippo, M Bussmann, B Gall, T Lockard, ...
Physics of Plasmas 18 (5), 2011
Focusing of short-pulse high-intensity laser-accelerated proton beams
T Bartal, ME Foord, C Bellei, MH Key, KA Flippo, SA Gaillard, ...
Nature Physics 8 (2), 139-142, 2012
High proton energies from cone targets: electron acceleration mechanisms
T Kluge, SA Gaillard, KA Flippo, T Burris-Mog, W Enghardt, B Gall, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (2), 023038, 2012
Laser-to-hot-electron conversion limitations in relativistic laser matter interactions due to multi-picosecond dynamics
M Schollmeier, AB Sefkow, M Geissel, AV Arefiev, KA Flippo, SA Gaillard, ...
Physics of Plasmas 22 (4), 2015
Proton acceleration experiments and warm dense matter research using high power lasers
M Roth, I Alber, V Bagnoud, CRD Brown, R Clarke, H Daido, J Fernandez, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 (12), 124039, 2009
High-Energy Electron Confinement in a Magnetic Cusp Configuration
J Park, NA Krall, PE Sieck, DT Offermann, M Skillicorn, A Sanchez, ...
Phys. Rev. X 5 (2), 021024, 2015
Characterization and focusing of light ion beams generated by ultra-intensely irradiated thin foils at the kilojoule scale
DT Offermann, KA Flippo, J Cobble, MJ Schmitt, SA Gaillard, T Bartal, ...
Physics of Plasmas 18 (5), 2011
Two laser-driven mix experiments to study reshock and shear
L Welser-Sherrill, J Fincke, F Doss, E Loomis, K Flippo, D Offermann, ...
High Energy Density Physics 9 (3), 496-499, 2013
High-resolution Thomson parabola for ion analysis
JA Cobble, KA Flippo, DT Offermann, FE Lopez, JA Oertel, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (11), 2011
Fast electron generation in cones with ultraintense laser pulses
L Van Woerkom, KU Akli, T Bartal, FN Beg, S Chawla, CD Chen, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 2008
Omega EP, laser scalings and the 60 MeV barrier: First observations of ion acceleration performance in the 10 picosecond kilojoule short-pulse regime
K Flippo, T Bartal, F Beg, S Chawla, J Cobble, S Gaillard, D Hey, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 244 (2), 022033, 2010
Development of an in situ peak intensity measurement method for ultraintense single shot laser-plasma experiments at the Sandia Z petawatt facility
A Link, EA Chowdhury, JT Morrison, VM Ovchinnikov, D Offermann, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (10), 2006
Diagnostics for fast ignition science
AG MacPhee, KU Akli, FN Beg, CD Chen, H Chen, R Clarke, DS Hey, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (10), 2008
Phase-contrast imaging using ultrafast x-rays in laser-shocked materials
J Workman, J Cobble, K Flippo, DC Gautier, DS Montgomery, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (10), 2010
Transition from Beam-Target to Thermonuclear Fusion in High-Current Deuterium -Pinch Simulations
DT Offermann, DR Welch, DV Rose, C Thoma, RE Clark, CB Mostrom, ...
Physical review letters 116 (19), 195001, 2016
Observations of proton beam enhancement due to erbium hydride on gold foil targets
DT Offermann, RR Freeman, LD Van Woerkom, ME Foord, D Hey, ...
Physics of Plasmas 16 (9), 2009
Pulse shape measurements using single shot-frequency resolved optical gating for high energy (80 J) short pulse (600 fs) laser
S Palaniyappan, RC Shah, R Johnson, T Shimada, DC Gautier, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (10), 2010
Advances in proposed D-Cluster inertial confiment fusion target
GH Miley, X Yang, H Heinrich, K Flippo, S Gaillard, D Offermann, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 244 (3), 032036, 2010
Kinetic simulations of sheared flow stabilization in high-temperature Z-pinch plasmas
K Tummel, DP Higginson, AJ Link, AEW Schmidt, DT Offermann, ...
Physics of Plasmas 26 (6), 2019
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