Houshang Karimi
Houshang Karimi
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, York University
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Review on control of DC microgrids and multiple microgrid clusters
L Meng, Q Shafiee, GF Trecate, H Karimi, D Fulwani, X Lu, JM Guerrero
IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics 5 (3), 928-948, 2017
Negative-sequence current injection for fast islanding detection of a distributed resource unit
H Karimi, A Yazdani, R Iravani
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 23 (1), 298-307, 2008
Control of an electronically-coupled distributed resource unit subsequent to an islanding event
H Karimi, H Nikkhajoei, R Iravani
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (1), 493-501, 2007
A magnitude/phase-locked loop system based on estimation of frequency and in-phase/quadrature-phase amplitudes
M Karimi-Ghartemani, H Karimi, MR Iravani
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 51 (2), 511-517, 2004
Estimation of frequency and its rate of change for applications in power systems
H Karimi, M Karimi-Ghartemani, MR Iravani
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 19 (2), 472-480, 2004
Multivariable servomechanism controller for autonomous operation of a distributed generation unit: Design and performance evaluation
H Karimi, EJ Davison, R Iravani
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (2), 853-865, 2009
Active power management of multihybrid fuel cell/supercapacitor power conversion system in a medium voltage microgrid
A Ghazanfari, M Hamzeh, H Mokhtari, H Karimi
Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on 3 (4), 1903-1910, 2012
A Robust Two-Degree-of-Freedom Control Strategy for an Islanded Microgrid
M Babazadeh, H Karimi
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 28 (3), 1339 - 1347, 2013
An adaptive filter for synchronous extraction of harmonics and distortions
H Karimi, M Karimi-Ghartemani, MR Iravani, AR Bakhshai
IEEE transactions on power delivery 18 (4), 1350-1356, 2003
A new control strategy for a multi-bus MV microgrid under unbalanced conditions
M Hamzeh, H Karimi, H Mokhtari
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 27 (4), 2225-2232, 2012
Power Oscillations Damping in DC Microgrids
M Hamzeh, M Ghafouri, H Karimi, K Sheshyekani, J Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2016
Harmonic and Negative-Sequence Current Control in an Islanded Multi-Bus MV Microgrid
M Hamzeh, H Karimi, H Mokhtari
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (1), 167 - 176, 2014
Integrating hybrid power source into an islanded MV microgrid using CHB multilevel inverter under unbalanced and nonlinear load conditions
M Hamzeh, A Ghazanfari, H Mokhtari, H Karimi
Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on 28 (3), 643-651, 2013
Processing of symmetrical components in time-domain
M Karimi-Ghartemani, H Karimi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (2), 572-579, 2007
Nondetection zone assessment of an active islanding detection method and its experimental evaluation
B Bahrani, H Karimi, R Iravani
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (2), 517-525, 2009
Robust Control of an Islanded Microgrid under Unbalanced and Nonlinear Load Conditions
M Hamzeh, S Emamian, H Karimi, J Mahseredjian
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 0
An LQR controller for damping of subsynchronous interaction in DFIG-based wind farms
M Ghafouri, U Karaagac, H Karimi, S Jensen, J Mahseredjian, SO Faried
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (6), 4934-4942, 2017
Robust decentralized control for islanded operation of a microgrid
M Babazadeh, H Karimi
2011 IEEE power and energy society general meeting, 1-8, 2011
Robust control of an autonomous four-wire electronically-coupled distributed generation unit
H Karimi, A Yazdani, R Iravani
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (1), 455-466, 2010
A decentralized self-adjusting control strategy for reactive power management in an islanded multi-bus MV microgrid
M Hamzeh, H Mokhtari, H Karimi
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 36 (1), 18-25, 2013
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