Huong Doan Thi Mai
Huong Doan Thi Mai
Institut of Marine Biochemistry
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Cited by
Baseline assessment of microplastic concentrations in marine and freshwater environments of a developing Southeast Asian country, Viet Nam
E Strady, TH Dang, TD Dao, HN Dinh, TTD Do, TN Duong, TT Duong, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 162, 111870, 2021
Triterpenoid Saponins from Symplocos lancifolia
IL Acebey-Castellon, L Voutquenne-Nazabadioko, H Doan Thi Mai, ...
Journal of Natural Products 74 (2), 163-168, 2011
Synthesis and evaluation of in vivo antioxidant, in vitro antibacterial, MRSA and antifungal activity of novel substituted isatin N-(2, 3, 4, 6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-d …
ND Thanh, NTK Giang, TH Quyen, DT Huong, VN Toan
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 123, 532-543, 2016
Cytotoxic Prenylated Stilbenes Isolated from Macaranga tanarius
T Péresse, G Jézéquel, PM Allard, VC Pham, DTM Huong, F Blanchard, ...
Journal of natural products 80 (10), 2684-2691, 2017
Structure−Activity Relationships and Mechanism of Action of Antitumor Benzo[b]pyrano[3,2-h]acridin-7-one Acronycine Analogues
HD Thi Mai, T Gaslonde, S Michel, F Tillequin, M Koch, JB Bongui, ...
Journal of medicinal chemistry 46 (14), 3072-3082, 2003
Antituberculosis Cycloartane Triterpenoids from Radermachera boniana
NB Truong, CV Pham, HTM Doan, HV Nguyen, CM Nguyen, HT Nguyen, ...
Journal of natural products 74 (5), 1318-1322, 2011
Covalent binding to glutathione of the DNA‐alkylating antitumor agent, S23906‐1
MH David‐Cordonnier, W Laine, A Joubert, C Tardy, JF Goossens, ...
European journal of biochemistry 270 (13), 2848-2859, 2003
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from the Leaves of Macaranga kurzii
V Trinh Thi Thanh, H Doan Thi Mai, VC Pham, M Litaudon, V Dumontet, ...
Journal of natural products 75 (11), 2012-2015, 2012
Novel Antioxidant neo‐Clerodane Diterpenoids from Scutellaria barbata
VH Nguyen, VC Pham, TTH Nguyen, VH Tran, TMH Doan
European journal of organic chemistry 2009 (33), 5810-5815, 2009
A transesterification reaction is implicated in the covalent binding of benzo [b] acronycine anticancer agents with DNA and glutathion
MH David-Cordonnier, W Laine, M Kouach, G Briand, H Vezin, ...
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 12 (1), 23-29, 2004
Antimicrobial lavandulylated flavonoids from a sponge-derived actinomycete
DD Cao, TQ Do, H Doan Thi Mai, Q Vu Thi, MA Nguyen, HM Le Thi, ...
Natural product research 34 (3), 413-420, 2020
Antimicrobial Lavandulylated Flavonoids from a Sponge-Derived Streptomyces sp. G248 in East Vietnam Sea
DD Cao, TTV Trinh, H Doan Thi Mai, VN Vu, HM Le, Q Vu Thi, MA Nguyen, ...
Marine drugs 17 (9), 529, 2019
Secondary metabolites from an Actinomycete from Vietnam's East Sea
QV Thi, VH Tran, HDT Mai, CV Le, MLT Hong, BT Murphy, VM Chau, ...
Natural Product Communications 11 (3), 1934578X1601100320, 2016
Cytotoxic Steroidal Alkaloids from Kibatalia laurifolia
TD Phi, VC Pham, HD Thi Mai, M Litaudon, F Guéritte, VH Nguyen, ...
Journal of natural products 74 (5), 1236-1240, 2011
Cytotoxic Lignans from Fruits of Cleistanthus indochinensis: Synthesis of Cleistantoxin Derivatives
V Trinh Thi Thanh, V Cuong Pham, H Doan Thi Mai, M Litaudon, ...
Journal of natural products 75 (9), 1578-1583, 2012
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of fluorinated analogues of Goniothalamus lactones. Impact of fluorine on oxidative processes
L Dumitrescu, DTM Huong, N Van Hung, B Crousse, D Bonnet-Delpon
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45 (7), 3213-3218, 2010
Antimicrobial metabolites from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam's East Sea
QV Thi, VH Tran, HDT Mai, CV Le, MLT Hong, BT Murphy, VM Chau, ...
Natural Product Communications 11 (1), 1934578X1601100116, 2016
Cytotoxic Clerodane Diterpenoids from the Leaves of Casearia grewiifolia
HTT Nguyen, NB Truong, HTM Doan, M Litaudon, P Retailleau, TT Do, ...
Journal of natural products 78 (11), 2726-2730, 2015
Cytotoxic prenylated isoflavone and bipterocarpan from Millettia pachyloba
HDT Mai, TTO Nguyen, VC Pham, M Litaudon, F Guéritte, DT Tran
Planta medica 76 (15), 1739-1742, 2010
Antimicrobial metabolites from a marine-derived Actinomycete Streptomyces sp. G278
DT Cao, VH Tran, VN Vu, HDT Mai, THM Le, TQ Vu, HH Nguyen, ...
Natural product research 33 (22), 3223-3230, 2019
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Articles 1–20