Gerald Groenewald
Cited by
Cited by
Trials of Slavery: Selected documents concerning slaves from the criminal records of the Council of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, 1705-1794
N Worden, G Groenewald
Van Riebeeck Society, The, 2005
Slaves and free blacks in VOC Cape Town, 1652–1795
G Groenewald
History Compass 8 (9), 964-983, 2010
‘A mother makes no bastard’: Family law, sexual relations and illegitimacy in Dutch colonial Cape Town, c. 1652–1795
G Groenewald
African Historical Review 39 (2), 58-90, 2007
Kinship, Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: Alcohol Pachters and the Making of Free-Burgher Society in Cape Town, 1652-1795
GJ Groenewald
Een Dienstig Inwoonder : entrepreneurs, social capital and identity in Cape Town, c. 1720-1750
G Groenewald
South African Historical Journal 59 (1), 126-152, 2007
To Leibniz, from Dorha: a Khoi prayer in the Republic of Letters
G Groenewald
Itinerario 28 (1), 29-48, 2004
Die ontstaan en vestiging van Afrikaans
J Conradie, G Groenewald
Carstens, W. & Bosman, N.(reds.). Kontemporêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde …, 2014
Slawe, Khoekhoen en Nederlandse Pidgins aan die Kaap, ca. 1590-1720:'n kritiese ondersoek na die sosiohistoriese grondslae van die konvergensieteorie oor die ontstaan van Afrikaans
G Groenewald
An early modern entrepreneur: Hendrik Oostwald Eksteen and the creation of wealth in Dutch colonial Cape Town, 1702-1741
G Groenewald
Kronos 35 (1), 7-31, 2009
Een Spoorloos Vrouwspersoon : unmarried mothers, moral regulation and the Church at the Cape of Good Hope, circa 1652-1795
G Groenewald
Historia 53 (2), 5-32, 2008
" More comfort, better prosperity, and greater advantage": Free burghers, alcohol retail and the VOC authorities at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1680
G Groenewald
Historia 57 (1), 1-21, 2012
Entrepreneurs and the making of a free burgher society
G Groenewald
Cape Town between East and West: Social identities in a Dutch colonial town …, 2012
Dynasty building, family networks and social capital: Alcohol pachters and the development of a colonial elite at the Cape of Good Hope, c. 1760-1790
G Groenewald
New Contree 62, 31, 2011
The pre-industrial Cape in the twenty-first century
LJ Mitchell, G Groenewald
South African historical journal 62 (3), 435-443, 2010
Southern Africa and the Atlantic world
G Groenewald
The Atlantic World, 100-116, 2014
Slaves, Khoikhoi and the genesis of Afrikaans: the development of a historiography, c. 1890s-1990s
G Groenewald
South African Journal of Cultural History 33 (2), 1-24, 2019
A class apart: symbolic capital, consumption and identity among the alcohol entrepreneurs of Cape Town, 1680-1795
G Groenewald
South African Journal of Cultural History 26 (1), 14-32, 2012
A Cape bourgeoisie?: Alcohol, entrepreneurs and the evolution of an urban free burgher society in VOC Cape Town
G Groenewald
Contingent lives: Social identity and material culture in the VOC world, 278-304, 2007
Afrikaans as lingua franca in Namibië, ca. 1800-1920
G Groenewald
Litnet Akademies:'n Joernaal vir die Geesteswetenskappe, Natuurwetenskappe …, 2010
Panaij van Boegies: Slave–bandiet–caffer
G Groenewald
Quarterly Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa 59 (2), 50-62, 2005
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Articles 1–20