Anna Sandberg
Anna Sandberg
Researcher, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University
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Cited by
Many analysts, one data set: Making transparent how variations in analytic choices affect results
R Silberzahn, EL Uhlmann, DP Martin, P Anselmi, F Aust, E Awtrey, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (3), 337-356, 2018
Gender and willingness to lead: Does the gender composition of teams matter?
A Born, E Ranehill, A Sandberg
Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (2), 259-275, 2022
Gender differences in initiation of negotiation: does the gender of the negotiation counterpart matter?
KH Eriksson, A Sandberg
Negotiation Journal 28 (4), 407-428, 2012
The importance of family background and neighborhood effects as determinants of crime
KH Eriksson, R Hjalmarsson, MJ Lindquist, A Sandberg
Journal of Population Economics 29, 219-262, 2016
Competing identities: a field study of in‐group bias among professional evaluators
A Sandberg
The Economic Journal 128 (613), 2131-2159, 2018
A man’s world
A Born, E Ranehill, A Sandberg
The impact of a male dominated environment on female leadership, 2018
Is there an omission effect in prosocial behavior? A laboratory experiment on passive vs. active generosity
M Gärtner, A Sandberg
PLoS ONE 12 (3), e0172496, 2017
Gender Homophily in Job Referrals: Evidence From a Field Study Among University Students
K Hederos, A Sandberg, L Kvissberg, E Polano
SSRN:, 2022
Exposure to half-dressed women and economic behavior
E Bonnier, A Dreber, K Hederos, A Sandberg
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 168, 393-418, 2019
The impact of PhD studies on mental health: A longitudinal population study
S Bergvall, C Fernström, E Ranehill, A Sandberg
Working Paper, 2024
Kön och jobbrekommendationer–tipsar män om män och kvinnor om kvinnor?
K Hederos Eriksson, A Sandberg
Ekonomisk Debatt 2, 42-49, 2023
Comment on A. Boschini and K. Gunnarsson: Gendered Trends in Income Inequality
K Hederos, A Sandberg
Nordic Economic Policy Review, 128-132, 2018
The Importance of Family Background and Neighborhood Effects as Determinants of Crime
R Hjalmarsson, M Lindquist, K Hederos Eriksson, A Sandberg
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2014
Omission effects in fairness behavior
A Sandberg, M Gärtner
Hög redovisningskvalitet-Lägre risk och högre förväntningar?-En kvantitativ studie över sambandet mellan redovisningskvalitet och finansiella mått
F Kihlström, A Sandberg
rapport nr.: Industriell och finansiell ekonomi 09/10: 10, 2010
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Articles 1–15