Christopher M. Fernandez
Christopher M. Fernandez
Other namesCristofer M. Fernández, OFM Conv.
George Mason University, Catholic University of America, Conventual Franciscans
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Cited by
Cited by
Conservation action implementation, funding, and population trends of birds listed on the Endangered Species Act
D Luther, J Skelton, C Fernandez, J Walters
Biological Conservation 197, 229-234, 2016
Toucans descend to the forest floor to consume the eggs of ground-nesting birds
MV Cove, CM Fernandez, MV Alvarez, S Bird, DW Jones, ME Fagan
Food Webs 10, 2-4, 2017
Heightened nest loss in tropical forest fragments despite higher predator load in core forest
CM Fernandez, MD Vera Alvarez, MV Cove
Tropical Ecology 60, 281-287, 2019
Assessing the role of habitat and species interactions in the population decline and detection bias of Neotropical leaf litter frogs in and around La Selva Biological Station …
MDV Alvarez, C Fernandez, MV Cove
Neotropical Biology and Conservation 14 (2), 143-156, 2019
An Emergent Franciscan Ecology for an Evolving Earth: Catholicity, Integrity, and Common Homemaking in a Stochastic Cosmos
OFMC Cristofer Fernández
ProQuest, 2023
Great Sapphirewing (Pterophanes cyanopterus)
E Fernández, C.M., D. Luther, I. Heynen, P.F.D. Boesman, and G.M. Kirwan (T ...
Birds of the World 2, 2021
Food Webs
MV Cove, CM Fernandez, MV Alvarez, S Bird
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Articles 1–7