Gabriel Altay
Gabriel Altay
Tempus Labs
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Cited by
Bloom: A 176b-parameter open-access multilingual language model
T Le Scao, A Fan, C Akiki, E Pavlick, S Ilić, D Hesslow, R Castagné, ...
Cold accretion flows and the nature of high column density H i absorption at redshift 3
F van de Voort, J Schaye, G Altay, T Theuns
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421 (4), 2809-2819, 2012
Through Thick and Thin—H I Absorption in Cosmological Simulations
G Altay, T Theuns, J Schaye, NHM Crighton, C Dalla Vecchia
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 737 (2), L37, 2011
sphray: a smoothed particle hydrodynamics ray tracer for radiative transfer
G Altay, RAC Croft, I Pelupessy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 386 (4), 1931-1946, 2008
On the connection between the intergalactic medium and galaxies: the H i–galaxy cross-correlation at z ≲ 1
N Tejos, SL Morris, CW Finn, NHM Crighton, J Bechtold, BT Jannuzi, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437 (3), 2017-2075, 2013
The escape of ionising radiation from high-redshift dwarf galaxies
JP Paardekooper, FI Pelupessy, G Altay, CJH Kruip
Astronomy & Astrophysics 530, A87, 2011
The impact of different physical processes on the statistics of Lyman-limit and damped Lyman α absorbers
G Altay, T Theuns, J Schaye, CM Booth, C Dalla Vecchia
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436 (3), 2689-2707, 2013
urchin: a reverse ray tracer for astrophysical applications
G Altay, T Theuns
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 434 (1), 748-764, 2013
Bigbio: A framework for data-centric biomedical natural language processing
J Fries, L Weber, N Seelam, G Altay, D Datta, S Garda, S Kang, R Su, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 25792-25806, 2022
Large-scale structure in absorption: gas within and around galaxy voids
N Tejos, SL Morris, NHM Crighton, T Theuns, G Altay, CW Finn
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 425 (1), 245-260, 2012
Radiation-induced large-scale structure during the reionization epoch: the autocorrelation function
RAC Croft, G Altay
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 388 (4), 1501-1520, 2008
The influence of large-scale structures on halo shapes and alignments
G Altay, JM Colberg, RAC Croft
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 370 (3), 1422-1428, 2006
Large language models with retrieval-augmented generation for zero-shot disease phenotyping
WE Thompson, DM Vidmar, JK De Freitas, JM Pfeifer, BK Fornwalt, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.06457, 2023
Dataset debt in biomedical language modeling
JA Fries, N Seelam, G Altay, L Weber, M Kang, D Datta, R Su, S Garda, ...
2022 Challenges and Perspectives in Creating Large Language Models …, 2022
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 737
G Altay, T Theuns, J Schaye, NHM Crighton, CD Vecchia
L37, 2011
Natural language processing-optimized case selection for real-world evidence studies
J Koskimaki, J Hu, Y Zhang, J Mena, N Jones, E Lipschultz, VP Vaidya, ...
Rabacus: A Python package for analytic cosmological radiative transfer calculations
G Altay, JH Wise
Astronomy and computing 10, 73-87, 2015
pynbody/pynbody: Version 1.0. 2
A Pontzen, R Roškar, G Stinson, C Cadiou, B Keller, AR Duffy, M Tremmel, ...
Zenodo, 0
Rabacus: Analytic Cosmological Radiative Transfer Calculations
G Altay
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 1502.013, 2015
URCHIN: Reverse ray tracer
G Altay, T Theuns
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 1412.009, 2014
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Articles 1–20